Chapter 9 - Mistakes and Consolations

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So we're bound to linger on

We drink the fatal drop

Then love until we bleed

Then fall apart in parts

- Lykke Li- Until we bleed


I ran my hands through his hair after we pulled away from each other. I could barely believe what had just happened.

Al still had his eyes closed, and a small smile played on his lips- the lips that had just been on mine. I wanted them back there. It had felt right.

It had been my first kiss, and I was pretty proud of it. Al had only lingered for a moment, and then moved away to Gage my reaction.

I had pulled him back, my arms fastening around his neck, and he had responded with enthusiasm. The moment I felt his tongue gently brush over my lips I had opened them. We had pulled away for a breath, and that was when I ran my hands through his hair.

His chest rose and fell unevenly. It rested against mine, and I was sure he would have felt my heart racing. I knotted my hands in his hair, and he finally opened his eyes.

They were narrowed and dangerous. A grin started to creep across his face and I could feel all the colour drain from mine.

In a matter of seconds he had me pinned down under himself. His hands grasped my wrists and he held them on the sides of my head.

Al lent down, his eyes so dark it looked like they had none of the green left. Then I felt his teeth.

It was at first his normal teeth, pressing lightly against my skin. I struggled under him, but he let out a low warning growl I could not ignore. As if I was back in Magdalena's trance I obeyed.

Then his canines started to elongate.

He bit down, and I screamed.

There was nothing subtle, nothing romantic. He wanted to kill me, he wanted to tear my throat open. My scream turned into a sick gurgle, but I could not get away. He released his jaws for a moment, his canines ripping through my flesh as he did. I felt faint, black spots were starting to pop up.

He bit again, this time with a better grip. I spluttered blood, and the spots covered my whole field of vision. Everything went black.


"Jeez Alexander, what did you do to her?" I could recognize Magdalena's voice.

Then I heard a sobbing. I couldn't open my eyes, not because the lids were too heavy, no, because they were swollen shut. I wanted to be out cold again, there was too much pain.

"Where did he even find skin to stitch? This will leave huge scars." muttered Dorian, and I felt somebody probe my cheek. I nearly screamed out, until I realized I could not make a noise. My whole body jolted away though. I heard Dorian gasp, and his strong hands caught me before I hit the floor. I was on a bed, but it smelt unfamiliar.

"Sophie!" Al cried. I tried as best I could to get far away from where his voice was coming from. He was not allowed to touch me.

"Careful" Dorian whispered into my ear, he had his hands firm on my shoulders.

I opened and closed my mouth, but no sound came out. I wanted them both to get away from me, far away. They were both monsters. In my opinion every Wolf now was.

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