Chapter 2 - Lack of Information

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Don’t try to sleep through the end of the world
And bury me alive
'Cause I won’t give up without a fight

This is Gospel - Panic! At the Disco


Magdalena walked in front of me through the hall. I was shivering, and a little snuffly.
I got sick easily. My mom said it was because I was never in the sun. I disagreed with her, saying it was her cooking. She was the best chef in the town. my heart throbbed sadly. Would I really not see them? I hoped I would. If this was all real maybe there was a treat for good conduct? I would be the one to get it. For once I wished I had my phone on me.

The hall looked warmer than it was. The glass chandeliers gave off a warm, orange glow that was a complete lie. I had a feeling there would be a lot of chandeliers, it was that type of place.

The carpet was one stage away from being covered in ice, but then again, I had always been sensitive to the cold. It could just be me.

There were paintings on the walls telling stories, but I did not recognize any of the scenes. There were many depictions of wolves fighting, that was for sure. It looked violent and bloody. The cheering started again. I wondered if it was all inside my head, since it had been so loud coming from the hall we were walking in when I had stood on the other side of the door.

"I am taking you to Loraine Flood, the Headmistress. Every new member of Height meets with her first. Then I will take you to your living quarters. You will live with your partner when he returns. You will train, eat and study together." She had a confident walk for such a old lady, a fast walk, and my cold legs had trouble keeping up with her. Somehow I managed, and after what felt like a lifetime of stiff walking we reached a door.

I could see that it was a special door. Firstly, it was about four meters high, and secondly it had a large golden crest on it that looked too big and important to be anything but the school logo. It was a hand holding a knife, nothing more and nothing less. The image looked almost ritualistic. Oh, and thirdly, there was sound coming from behind that door. the cheering. I hadn't just imagined it.

There was a large brass knocker, and Magdalena reached for it. I had the sudden urge to hide behind her, and so I did exactly that.

The doors opened with a dull sound, like a large bell a few moments after it has been rung. Then the real noise hit. And it hit like a prize fighter.

I needed a moment to realize what I was looking at. At first it looked like a small stadium, but no, when I focused it was more like a bear pit. And there was something in the pit- two somethings to be precise.I couldn't see what though, there were too many people in the way.

"Ah jeez" Magdalena muttered and shoved the person closest to the door forward. The guy toppled forward, taking a whole group of others down with him. I followed the old lady's path as quickly as I could. She had a talent of forcefully parting a crowd without even the people who she knocked over noticing her. I wish I had that talent. I barely made it out alive. I was shoved and yanked, clawed and grabbed. I would have some new bruises for sure. Maybe I should have gone to more clubs.

I caught a glimpse or two, of what was in the pit, and it was nothing I had seen before. They looked like... I had no words. They were like large dogs, dobermans, or German shepherds, but bigger, thinner, hairier, and more vicious. A shudder ran down my spine, They looked like a kind of mutant dog or... maybe a mutant wolf. Yes, wolf fitted the description better.

A whistle sounded and both creatures were yanked by chains to the opposite ends of the pit. Magdalena had stopped, noticing that my attention had moved to the the pit. We were right on the edge of the room and I finally had a good view. Magdalena walked toward me and put her hand on my shoulder. I turned to go but she nodded toward the pit.

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