Chapter 5 - The Growling, The Quiet and The Angry

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Way down 'til the fire finally dies out

You've got 'em wrapped around your finger

Watch 'em fall down

There's something beautiful and tragic in the fallout

Let me say it one more time

(Tragic in the fall out)

Miss Jackson - Panic! At the Disco


Al strutted ahead with Dorian and I followed slowly. Everything was just too similar. I was trying to find landmarks to follow but was coming up with a blank.

I had mixed feelings about going to the Pit, for one thing I was very curious to really see what I had just glimpsed a few days prior, but then I was also nervous of what I would find.  Al looked over his shoulder and gave me a sweet smile.

I inhaled deeply and smiled back.

Suddenly the scenery was different. We walked down narrow, dark, winding paths that all seemed to be heading downward. There were no chandeliers, only little dangling lightbulbs. Even the floor was black rock.

There were slip ways to the left and right and if Dorian had not been so big I probably would have lost my way. Al wormed his way through the underground until he stopped in front of a large iron door. He had clearly gone this way often.

"What's in there?" I asked, frowning. It looked a little foreboding.

"Don't ask, just keep your head down and walk. Trust me, it's the best way to get through." said Dorian, standing to the side as Al opened the door. Even though Dorian was much larger and older Al was definitely in charge.

The room we entered was very dark. It had the kind of darkness that forced silence. It had a personality, and it felt haunted. There was absolutely no light. Al touched the wall and a tiny LED bulb lit up far away, on the other side of the very large room. There was a low growl that I barely caught.

I walked through, unable to even see Dorian through the dark. The tiny light flickered. The floor changed to what felt like old, heavy and slightly moist wood.

There was a low growl from my left, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I wanted to ask what it was, but I thought talking was a bad idea in this situation. I knew what it was. I had had enough nightmares in the last few days to be able to imagine it was anything other than one of the creatures. I tried to ignore it, I really did. But that was impossible once I felt something brush against my leg.

I small squeak came from my chest, and I jumped forward, hoping to grab onto Dorian for protection. I jumped into air, and the sound of my feet impaling the old wood shook the room. There was a angry growl and I could hear something scraping on the floorboards. It sounded like claws. My blood froze and I wanted to flee- but I had no idea where to.

It however was running toward me. The wood groaned under its feet. I flailed my arms in the general direction of the guys but again got only thin air in my fingers. My heart skipped a beat as I braced for impact, no way had I evaded it. I knew nothing good would come of this school, I was too normal.

A blood curdling snarl ripped through the room, accompanied by a ripping noise. For a moment I thought it had me and I was just not feeling it, when something sprinted past from behind me. The snarl had come from a different creature. The hair on the back of my neck was standing up, and I had goosebumps on my arms. When I stepped back I could also feel I was shaking so badly it was surprising I was upright.

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