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Pidge Gunderson here.

This month has been freAKING HELL. It's been so confusing and hormonal that the princess and Shiro made me do this damn video documentary about it. To reflect or something.

I'm telling this from two sides of the story. Lance's and mine. I don't know when that idiot is joining me to do this, but when he does...let's just say that you'll know.

Hey, Pidge!

Oh my god, Lance, no, go away-mmphf!

You liked that.

Shut-shut up-! Okay, now, I'm making this narrative to tell the truth, and complete truth about the events happening over a single month.

Let's go!




DAY 1:


Pidge's voice is unexpectedly loud as she cleanly sweeps under the legs of a soldier, hooking his legs with her grappling hook and pulling him clean out.
Lance, the intended target, breathes a sigh of relief. He dusts himself off, flashing a familiar smile Pidge's way.

It's a nice smile.

"Thanks, Pidgeon-"

Pidge, distracted, nearly doesn't notice the swinging blade aiming for Lance's neck.

"Watch out!"

Her swift hands snatch out, grabbing Lance's chest from behind and yanking him towards her, his back pressing against her chest.

Pidge kicks the solider away, electrocuting him with her bayard and grabbing Lance's hand.

"Come on!" she shouts, yanking him and taking off at breakneck speed, racing through mazes of modern looking blue-black coloured buildings, the bright pink sky casting its colour to the society below.

Pidge can't help but marvel at the sight of the technology as she runs, but saddens at the thought that Lotor and his dear ol' dad Zarkon destroying the place. Lotor and Allura had both targeted Galaxor, a famously wealthy and prosperous planet, at the same time. The difference was that one sought an alliance and the other sought invasion and takeover. 

Lance grips onto her hand tight, lanky fingers clutching hers with an unexpected strength.

"I wonder how Hunk and Allura are doing," Lance muses aloud, casually slinging a shot at a wayward Galra (obviously, it's a perfect headshot) as they continue their race, taking him out with no problem.

He and Pidge were obviously going to find Lotor first. The plan was that the three pairs, the third being Shiro and Keith, would set off to locate Lotor and wait for the rest to arrive.

With someone as amazing as Pidge, how could they not get there first?

"-and I hope Shiro or Allura have already gotten there," Pidge finished, not realising that Lance was staring at her and not listening at all. He shakes his head, blinking to wake himself up.

"Nah, Pidgeon, we're going to get there first!" Lance teases. Pidge squints, curling her upper lip. Seriously, this doofus never had any humility whatsoever, did he?

"We don't even know where he is!" Pidge whisper-hisses, shooting him a glare.

Pidge tries not to stare at Lance, grinning as flirtatiously as he does to other pretty girls, most of the time. Pidge knows that to her, it is directed as a joke and a friendly tease. And yeah, she's accepted that for a long time now. It's fine.

A Month Of Truth From Pidge And Lance : Narrated EditionWhere stories live. Discover now