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So! As you all know, this story is actually over, but I need to do extreme editing. So, to do something productive with my time and not spend it doing anything trying to think of what to write in the next chapter of the sequal, I'll go through and work on editing this story! As well as try to get the next chapter of Joyful Reunions up within the next week, even though I probably won't. I'll try to update something within a week!

Okay then, that is all! Hope I didn't wake anyone up, or keep anyone up, or blah. Hope everyone's had a wonder day yesterday and that everyone's mornings are a-o-kay!

Well, Imma go to bed to now, I have tests at school. Night people!

Yours in demigodishness and all that,
Annabeth_Jackson_12 <3

Painful Goodbyes [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now