Chapter 2: Waking Up and Losing So Much

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Poseidon's P.O.V.
I watched Annabeth break down as the doctors tried to save my son. And I understood why she had more of a reaction to this than I did. Yes, I'm Percy's father, but I've mostly just watched him. Annabeth's been through so much with him, done so much for him, had so much done for her by him, lost so much, she wouldn't be able to take it if she lost him too. Annabeth means much more to him that I do, and Percy means more to her than he does to me. I know that's harsh, but it's true. I'm used to my children dying, and while yes, he is my favorite son, and I would be terribly sad if he died, I would still be able to see him (courtesy of my brother, Hades) in the Underworld, and I would eventually get over it. I am immortal after all. I'll live forever.

But Annabeth, oh Annabeth. Percy is everything to her. He is her world, her only love, her other half, her soulmate, the ony one she has left. Yes, she has friends like the rest of the Seven; Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Frank, and her friends at camp, like Malcom,  her half-brother, and Clarisse and many others, but none will ever mean as much to her as Percy does, She has already lost so much;  she would break if she lost him.

I stared through the window as the doctors tried to revive my son. We waited outside. I was worried. Finally,  even though it had only been two minutes, a doctor came out of the room. I expected the worst.

"Your son is fine. But he's weak. He's still asleep, but he's alive. Be careful, okay?" I nodded, tears coming to my eyes. My son was alive! Annabeth jumped out of my arms and ran back into the room. The doctor watched her then turned back to me. "What's with her?" He asked. 

I looked him. "She's lost everyone she loves. He's all she has left. He's her boyfriend and they've been through a lot together. " My godly brain came up with some excellent lies to explain what I meant by that. "Her parents breaking up, her father dying, her mother abandoning her, his stepfather beating him, the freak storms, his mother went missing for a month,  he went missing for eight months after they had finally started dating and had been together for two months. He's her best friend, they've known each other since they were twelve." I shook my head, more tears coming to my eyes. "And so much more." I said. Then, I walked into my son's room and joined Annabeth at his side.


It took three weeks, but finally,  Percy woke up.

Percy's P.O.V.
I relived the accident. It was horrible. I relived it over and over. But I couldn't remember anything after getting tossed into the building. Other than pain. Once, I thought I saw the River Styx and Hades' realm. But then the Underworld disappeared and everything fadded back to darkness. A few times I thought I heard Annabeth's voice. I relived every time that Gabe beat me. I relived that first time when I was twelve and Annabeth saved me. And the after math...

I woke up in the camp infirmary, pain filling every bone in my body. I blinked open my eyes and groaned, looking around. My mom was asleep in a chair next to me, and Annabeth was passed out in a chair on my other side. I tried to sit up and yelled in pain, squeezing my eyes shut again and falling back to to the bed. Every breath hurt and I hissed each shallow one in and out as I tried not to yell again.

"Percy!" I heard my mother cry, and I felt her clutch my hand.

"Will! Get the Hades over here! Percy's awake!" That was Annabeth. I heard running footsteps and then felt a hand on my forehead.

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