The mansion: chapter three

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Slender: POV

I was in my office when all of a sudden splendor appeared. He has been out for a while and I was getting really worried, I was just getting ready to go out to look for him. But now I don't have to. He had someone with him. HE KNOWS THAT I DON'T LIKE HUMANS!!! But still he had to brought one back to the mansion. But the energy coming off of this one is, strange. I looked up to my little brother, but when I did I was shocked. The humans eyes were glowing. "You know the rules and yet you bring a human here" I said with a hint of serious in my voice. "I don't think she is human" he said "hey I am right here you know" (Y/N) said with a hint of anger in her voice. "May be, but still you know if you bring something home, it must proved itself to me before it stay in MY house" I said. My voice getting angrier by the second. " Ok, but can she get some rest before you make her fight" Splendor said in his pleading voice.
"Fine but in the morning after breakfast it must fight Jeffrey, and if he wins it life will end, and if it wins it can stay and became a proxy" I said his eyes widening with happiness. I think he might have a attempt on the human. " YAY , she can stay in my room for the night and I will be on the couch." He said with yawn. He and the human left my office and went to bed I am puzzled by the human, the aura that comes off of it is more demon then it is human. So it is going to be a internet fight to say the least. But not to mention the look in his eye, Jeff lost to a girl.


Okay so I will have to fight Jeff , this is awesome but he's been like one of the best fighters so am I going to have some trouble but not to worry I think I might have a solution to his battle strategy, I guess you can call it that. Splendor showed me his room and left so I can sleep, it's currently like 2 in the morning and I'm starting to get really tired and if I'm going to be fighting in the morning I might get as much sleep as I possibly can.
In the morning Splendor woke me up and we went downstairs for breakfast. The dining room is so big, the table is lying with eggs bacon pancakes waffles and so many other kinds of food it look like buffet for Kings. Splendor push me to a seat gently and he sat next to me and we started to eat breakfast, once breakfast was done we went outside to a training area, I guess, and Jeff was ready with his knife and I didn't know how to react but I got nudged forward by someone and slender appeared out of nowhere and said the rules for the match once he said the are rules he counted down from 3 and the match begin. In my mind I thought (ho no) Jeff just lunch forward and what straight for my throat, I quickly moved out of the way and made my hand into a similar knife as his and got him in his back. He stopped turned around and looked at me, he started to go at me again but soon collapsed on the ground. Everyone that was watching was in all. And just stared. Slender came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said "I guess we have a new proxy and I quite powerful one at that I'm glad to welcome you to the family".

I almost forgot to mention I really thank you too Bloods_death for
his/hers comment on author's note

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