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Years ago, in a small village known as the land of Wysteria, there was a girl who carried the infamous name of Ruby

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Years ago, in a small village known as the land of Wysteria, there was a girl who carried the infamous name of Ruby. She was short, petite girl with a button nose and long, dark hair that fell to the middle of her back. She sat by the firepit with a blanket draped over her body, hugging close to it as she recounted the tales of the mansion in the deep of the woods.

She spoke of a man named Jaxon - a manipulator, a man of pure evil. He'd lured her into his sickening trust and then... Tried to kill her. She spoke of a boy named Isaac - though she wasn't quite sure his age. He looked like a teenager, maybe even a young adult in his early twenties. He had a kind face, but his eyes held nothing. They were blue, a mesmerizing blue, a beautiful blue. But they were vacant and tired and angry. Isaac was ultimately the one who was supposed to kill her, but he held some kind of love for Ruby. Some kind of empathy. Thus, instead of killing her, he saved her. The last she remembered of Isaac were the words, "thank you," as she sunk a dagger into his chest and ran away.

She went on about another one of the mansion's residents. A girl named Kylie. Ruby wasn't quite sure what to say about her but the word "lost" came to her mind every time she thought about the girl. Kylie looked to be an older teen - seventeen at most. She had messy black hair that ran to the tips of her shoulders. Her figure was thin and accompanied with deadly pale skin, light freckles splashed across the surface of her nose like a constellation. She spoke of how her dark eyes stared into the souls of her victims, how her pale lips were stained red with their blood. Kylie had been on Jaxon's side. She'd helped him with his evil plans, and, in Ruby's eyes, it seemed like Jaxon loved her. She didn't love him back, though. Not really.

Finally, there was Krysta and Parker. The mother and father of the house. Only one made it out. Jaxon killed Krysta, who was awaiting a child. Kylie killed Jaxon. Krysta's remaining powers revived Parker. And that was that.

Ruby had run for hours, her legs aching, pumping as fast as they could, her lungs tight and burning. Now, it was their turn.

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