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A/N: Please don't copy this story or I'll have to kill you :') 

But for real guys, writers like myself put in hours upon hours on our stories and to have someone just copy it is a huge slap in the face.. I deal with severe chronic abdominal pain so it's a lot harder for me to write than a normal person because my pain distracts my mind from anything else. 

To my readers, please know that I will try my hardest to publish a chapter every week or so. It can be really difficult between my crippling pain and school work. Please be patient.. ❤ 

Thank you guys for taking the time to read this, have a good day! 

Pain wakes me up. Another sleepless night. 

My stomach trembles in agony and I manage to turn my head just in time to vomit into the trash can I set up beside my bed. I briefly wonder if I should go to the doctor tomorrow but I knew there was no way to pay for it. My parents cut me off and disowned me a few months ago after I came out as gay. They refused to pay for my college, took me off their insurance, and then kicked me out. 

Right now the only thing keeping me alive was the once a month paycheck my older sister, Lily, gave me that consisted around two hundred dollars but it didn't last long. With my bills, doctor visits nearly every week and different medications I had to pay for, I barely had enough money for food. Thankfully I was only living in a tiny studio apartment.

Blindly I reached for all the different bottles of medication that sat on my nightstand and searched until I found painkillers and my nausea pills. Noticing the bottles were almost empty, I took the last ones then tried to go back to sleep. 


My stomach growled angrily at me as I wandered the closest CVS. I couldn't go to Walmart for food because I didn't have a car because I sold it and it was a five mile walk. It would probably take me all day and then some, considering my condition of stop and go since my pain seemed to worsen with movement. Melatonin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Dramamine- ooo! Snacks! 

I paused when I saw some protein bars that were half off. Sure, they'd taste like shit but at least it was food! My stomach agreed with me. Glancing around, I snuck the medication into my baggy shorts' pockets and grabbed the box of protein bars. I would pay for those to make myself look less suspicious. 

As I was checking out, I noticed a few people whispering to each other. They were onto me. When the manager started towards me, I grabbed the box of protein bars and took off towards the exit. "Wait! Stop!" A voice screeched as I looked behind me as I ran. 

Turning to look in front of me, I slammed right into a hard chest. I blinked, looking up at the person who I ran into. His handsome face smiled curiously at me, gorgeous gray eyes sparkling. "In a rush?" He asked, a heavy accent present in his husky voice. His scent invaded my nose and if I wasn't in a rush, I probably would've stopped to smell him more accurately. I didn't have time to figure out where his accent was from because someone screamed, "Stop him!" 

I tried going around the man but he grabbed my arm, making pleasant electric shocks shoot up my arm. "What are you-" 

"Let go of me!" I hissed, stomping on his foot hard. He winced and his grip loosened just enough to where I could slip free and make a mad dash out the door. 

"Wait!" He yelled as I ran out the exit. 

Of course, the extra exercise caused pain to shoot through my abdomen and I collapsed onto the ground. My heart was gunning in my chest as I stumbled to my feet, only to fall back down again. Panicked, I looked up as footsteps ran towards me. Scared of being caught, I tried to get up and run with adrenaline dumping into my veins, but before I could, someone's hand wrapped around my wrist. It was the man. I tried jerking my hand free but his grip tightened. 

"Stop! They're not after you anymore!" 

I froze, my head snapping to the entrance of the store - no one was coming after me anymore. I listened carefully, my sensitive ears only picking up the sounds of my own heavy breathing.

I stared at him warily. "Why? What did you do?" 

"I paid for your stuff," he said, nodding his head to the box I was carrying. "They said you stole medicine and then you took off with the box too. I figured you'd better have a good reason for stealing medicine and go out on a lunch date with me or I'd take my money back and call the cops." 

"I don't have - wait, what?" Did he say lunch date?

He smiled kindly at me, releasing his grip on my wrist. "Whaddyah say? Go on a date with me or..." 

I gave him a look mixed of disgust and concern. "Are you mentally ill or something?" He laughed but I didn't think it was a joking matter. This is some high school drama shit.

He gesture to a large 4x4. "Get it. We're gonna go get something to eat." 

"And why would I do that?" I asked smugly, crossing my arms over my chest, though I was starting to sweat. I knew I should just go with him or he might actually turn me back in.

He sighed, running his fingers through his short, chestnut hair. "It's either this or prison." 

I glowered at him, seeing that I didn't have much of a choice. 

He grinned when I started walking towards his truck. "My name's Stephan," he said, opening the passenger side door for me. Such a gentleman, I thought sarcastically, irritated at being put in this unlikely situation. He's probably gonna kidnap me. 

"Tony," I said bluntly, fastening my seat belt. "So why are you doing this? You didn't have to pay for my shit, and now you're taking me to dinner. That doesn't make any sense." 

"I'll explain more once we get there, beau," he purred, his accent returning heavily to his voice as he started his trunk. His eyes slid over to me where I sat hunched into myself. I didn't know what to think of this guy. For fuck's sake, he only just met me. Though I couldn't deny he seemed vaguely familiar. My interest was beginning to pique. "Ready to go handsome?" 

Great, I groaned internally, ignoring my fluttering heart, I'm stuck with a pedophile. 

Ugh. I hate this chapter :( it's just so bleh to me

(I promise the next chapters will be better!!)


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