Chapter One- A Question

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The not so happy couple named their child Belle, which meant beauty. It was pretty ironic because Belle was anything but beautiful. She didn't get the piercing blue eyes of her father or her mothers luscious blonde locks. Her eyes were a dull brown and her hair a dull frizzy black mess. To everyone else, that's all she was- dull and a mess.

It became worse when she began to speak. She spoke with more of a lisp than most children and was shunned by them. She was quiet and even adults gave up striking a conversation with her. Her parents became ashamed of her- her gender, her appearance, the way she spoke, and they told her to stay inside the house. They didn't encourage her to go outside and never took her outside either.

As she grew older, she often asked them why. Uncomfortable and unable to tell her they were ashamed of her, they would lie.

"It's because we love you," they'd say. "And we must always keep the people we live close to us. At first, Belle was a little skeptical but bit her tongue. A little voice in the back of her mind always asked her 'but if you love someone, shouldn't you give them freedom?'

As the days and years passed, the voice faded. She began to believe that that was the way to show your love for a person. Their happiness wouldn't matter if they were away from you. That was the first belief that could ultimately lead to something very, very bad.

Not gonna say much in this a/n.

The story is about Mother Gothel, so don't freak out. Belle is Mother Gothel and Mother Gothel is Belle. They are one and the same.

Foreshadowing, anyone? Drop your guesses here.

Hope you liked it,

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