"You look beautiful." Bruce smiled and took Jack's hands. "Like always.." He leaned a bit closer, so close their noses touched. Jack giggled softly and closed his eyes. Bruce planted a soft kiss on the smaller man's lip. After Bruce pulled away Jack's smile turned into a frown.
"What's wrong?" Bruce placed his hand gently on Jack's cheek.
"I think I really love you..." two green orbs looked straight into the strong man's soul. A soft sigh slipped out of Jack's throat.
"Why is that a problem?" Bruce moved his thumb over the pinkish cheek.
"I... I don't know... maybe because I'm getting married to a stupid slut?"
"Hey hey hey, Don't call her stupid."

A soft chuckle came from the smaller man. Bruce smiled at the reaction, it felt nice to make him laugh without hurting him.
"You know what?" Bruce got his hand of Jack's face. "I'll pay your suit..."
"Bruce, you really don't have to, I have enough mo-"
"You have not... "
"How you know?" Jack looked down a bit, he knew Bruce was right but how.
"Why would you live in a small apartment, have not even a bike, and always wear two different pieces of clothing if you had enough money to buy this suit?" Bruce looked at the price card on the suit.

"Well... you're right.. I have no money... but don't you dare thinking I like you because you have money! I like you because.. I just like you..." Jack grabbed Bruce's hands and looked into his eyes again. "I like your eyes... and your deep voice.. and how beautiful you look... I just love you, not your money..."
"I know.." Bruce gently grabbed Jack's hair and kissed him passionately.

Just on the moment Bruce was about to deepen the kiss his phone went off.
"I'm sorry.. better pick this one up.." the bigger man said when he saw it was Harleen calling. A low growl left Jack's throat.

"Hey Harleen!" He looked at Jack. "Yes we've found a suit!.. yes I've told him he couldn't wear a dress." He smiled a little while Jack was frowning and pretending like he didn't listen.
"Yes... yeah... uhuh.... got it... suuure! Fine, see you in ten minutes okay? Okay see y-... she hang up. She sounded pretty angry."
Jack turned away from Bruce and crossed his arms.
"We should go okay? Harleen wants me to bring you and the suit home and then help her with invitations.."
Jack slowly nodded and took off the suit.

"Oh Honey, I think you and Bruce shouldn't see each other before the wedding. I dun't wanna him ta change your mind, yknow?" Harleen put a bottle of water in front of Jack.
"What? He doesn't! I can't not see him for 3 days!" He looks at Bruce who's shaking his head slowly.
"I just don't want it okay? Bruce whatcha think of a chocolate cake as wedding cake?" If there was anything Harleen was good at, it was changing the subject.
"Uhh I guess it's okay?" If there was anything Bruce didn't know about, it were weddings. Jack didn't even want to listen to Harleen anymore so he grabbed the bottle of water and went to his room.

Jack couldn't wait to marry, just because he could see Bruce again at the altar. Even though this wasn't how he expected him to see at a wedding. Jack was just about to walk to the altar. There were a couple of people standing at the altar already. Edward, an old friend of Jack who was way to enthusiast about this all, Bruce, Jack's best man, Selena, a woman with short black hair and probably a friend of Harleen, and Ivy, a woman with long curly red hair, wearing a short dress, showing way too much body. Ivy was Harleen's best person, Jack thought it was a woman but he hadn't spotted boobs yet and her jawline looked pretty masculine so he wasn't totally sure.

When Jack arrived at the altar he smiled at Bruce before looking at Harleen, who came closer, holding the arm of a man Jack has never seen before. Is that her dad? Jack thought. Jack has never seen Harleen's dad before, he didn't even know she had a dad.
Bruce sneakily grabbed Jack's hand when Harleen stopped in front of them.

The priest began. "Since it's your intention to enter into the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church." Jack gave Harleen his right hand while he held Bruce's hand with his left hand.
"I, Jack Napier, take you, Harleen Quinzel, to be my wife." He looked into Harleens eyes. "I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life..." not one of those words sounded like he meant it.

Harleen smiled a bit while saying
"I, Harleen Quinzel, take you, Jack Napier, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and health, to love you and honor you all the days of my life.".
The priest nodded. "Do you, Jack Napier, take Harleen Quinzel to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and bad, in sickness and health, to always love her and honor her every day of your life?"
Jack's grip on Bruce's hand while saying
"I do..."

"And do you, Harleen Quinzel, take Jack Napier to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and bad, in sickness and health, to always love him and honor him every day of your life?"
"I do."
The priest handed Jack and Harleen the rings. Jack shove the ring on Harleen's finger and Harleen did the same by Jack's.
"By now, I declare you wife and husband, you may kiss the bride."
Harleen kissed Jack but Jack didn't kiss back.

"Congratulations, Jack." Bruce smiled after all the other people left.
"Thanks I guess..." Jack sighed and looked down. Harleen sneaked up behind him.
"Jaaaackie...? Can I talk to you for a second?" She leaned on his shoulder.
"I'll uh.. leave you two alone.." Bruce slowly walked away.

"What?! What do you want?!"
"Jack calm down! Please, I have good news." Harleen grabbed his hands.
"What is it Harley?"
"I don't want you to see Bruce anymore because of the good news..."
"Nope, we're not gonna move! Fuck you!"
"No no Jack it's not that kind of news..."
"You've found a new man?"
"Nooo... I'm uh..." she hugged Jack tightly. She was happy while the next thing she was about to say made Jack's world froze and everything going black.
"I'm pregnant!"

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