Crossing the line

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There Bruce was, standing in the middle of the old warehouse, silently trying to hear any noises of the clown. He heard a click of a door and that's when it happened. The dress, a green glittery dress. Bruce would be lying if he said Joker didn't look beautiful. They made eye contact and with just a little smile of the green haired man the bat knew he was a goner.
I shouldn't be feeling this, he's my enemy, no matter what he's wearing! Rushed through Bruce's brain.  He was right, he shouldn't be feeling a feeling like this, he shouldn't awaken him by the depth of his need. But a man can only hold back for so long...

Bruce knew he would go further than every line drawn this night. The fire between them was getting too hot after all the dancing and especially after that kiss. The line that first looked like a big iron wall looked now more like a line in the sand, washed away with the tide.

"Joker... what is all this?!" Batman barked, he couldn't throw all control out of the 5 story window yet.
"Awwe Batsy, can't you tell? I wanted a bit more attention today so I dressed up like a little princess, just for you!" Joker grinned, spreading out his arms and spinning around in the beautiful dress. It was the damn dress's fault. All the blame goes to how comfortably it hung around his neck; how desperately it clung to his hips. It made Bruce's head spin by every fold of fabric.
"Joker.." Batman started but got cut off by Jokers expected incessant rambling.

"I know I know I know, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Well, my dear, I mean-" Bruce cut him off, blurting "Joker, it always worked. Every. Single. Time. Why do you think I always come running back whenever I see your face flash across my screen? Why did you think I kissed you after you said you didn't even want to dance with me? Because I don't love you? Is that what you think?!" Before he even realized what he just admitted after all those years.
"What...?" The clown blinked a couple times at the bigger man. Bruce just could feel him thinking. A gasp. A clap. A giggle. A shouted "Oh Batsy! Why'd you never speak up?!" Echoing off the walls of the old building.

Bruce took a step forward. "I needed to get comfortable with myself before I could be comfortable with you..." he came another step closer to the man in the dress. Then another one.
"Well then..." Joker understood what the bat was saying. Two more steps closer. The breathed each others air.
"I guess you could say you're pretty comfortable now, eh Big Boy?" He chuckled softly, gesturing his hands towards the bigger man. "Because you are reeeeeeeeaal close ta me right about now.."

"Listen... Joker, all I know..." is that my cock is straining against this goddamn codpiece. "...Is that I'm this close because I want to be..." he took a final step, noses barely touching. "So make of that what you want.." A small smirk appeared on Batman's face, a smirk that he would most definitely kill in any other occasion. Except this time, it was for him. "What do you think?"

He got a gleeful reaction to the smile. After a moment the smaller man breathes out. "I think... the only thing I should making... is making out... like, now. Before you change your mind."
Bruce knew he wouldn't change his mind, not this time. But still, it was that moment Bruce grabbed the green haired head in his hands and pulled it into a greedy kiss, one that'd been building up since the day they met. Just before Bruce shut his eyes he saw Jack's pupils taking up most of the irises, only lined with a thin green before he shut them time.

Jack knew it for sure, this time he wasn't going to hold back, they both got finally what they wanted for so long. Long, thin, pale fingers grabbed the dark cape and pressed against the back of the hard cowl. Bruce slid his hand up to tangle the surprisingly soft green hair, tipping his head so he could deepen the kiss.

Jack mouth instantly opened up for Bruce. Their tongues battle for the dominance Bruce would've never gave the smaller man. Upon his defeat Jack moaned softly into Bruce's mouth, it sent spiraling down Bruce's spine, the sound slamming straight down on his already hard cock and that was it. That was the moment Bruce slid his hands onto Jack's upper tights and lifted him, those long skinny legs wrapped around his waist. Bruce slammed him not so graciously against the stone wall, he slid his hands under the Joker's dreaded dress, before he shifted most of his waist against the wall so he could let go long enough to take off his gloves. He quickly threw the gloves on the floor and returned to feel Joker's skin. Making his way up, flesh-to-flesh before stopping short after finding Jack was wearing a lace thong.

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