"That's OK," Cindy hugged her back. 

They let go of each other and Lady tried her best to give Cindy a smile.

"Thank you," Lady said. 


"For being a good friend and mostly for slapping him."

She greeted us goodnight, though it was only seven pm, took a few snacks from the kitchen, then went up to my room. I let her have the bed that night as Cindy and I slept in the sleeping bags. It was very late in the night, when she thought we were sleeping that I heard Lady's little sobs under the cover. She cried for a very long time, it seemed that she had already made a decision.

"Get away from me!" Lady pushed Kenneth.

Somehow, that Monday, the whole situation exploded at the canteen during lunch break. A lot of us were still there, from the first years to the seniors. We witnessed the implosion of KeLa. Lady finally confronted him, and the only thing Kenneth had to say was that he was sorry. He tried to hug her but she moved away repulsed by him.

"If you touch me one more time I will kill you!"

"Go ahead," Kenneth took her by the arms again. "Go ahead, kill me. Tear me apart bit by bit or crush my bones, because I'd rather die than have you walk away from me."

We stared at them intently. A crowd usually equals noise, especially with high school students. But somehow we were all polite enough to keep silent. Like we agreed to help give a dramatic effect to Kenneth's words.

"Please," he continued pulling Lady even closer, "listen to me."

"I already did," she didn't allow herself to fall for it. "Let go now."

She pushed him then tried to make her way to the exit. But he ran to stand in front of her. Nobody was interested in their food, all we wanted to know was how it was all going to end.

"Lady please don't do this. Come on, try to be reasonable."


"Oh he did not just say that" I heard Shasha gasp next to me. 

"Reasonable?" Lady repeated. "You cheated on me Kenneth."

"With Cindy!"

"Is that supposed to make it better?"

"I feel nothing for her."

"So what?"


"You think it's OK because you don't feel anything for her?"


"You're an idiot!" Lady hit his chest, and turned away. "I don't ever want to see you again."

"Lady...," he held her back.



"I said let me go!" She wiggled out of his grasp and hit him with her bag. "You dummy!" She hit him again, and again. "Moron! How can a person be so stupid? You thought I wouldn't know, that I wouldn't find out? Why did you do it in the first place you dimwit?!" A few of her things fell from her bag, little mirror, pens, books, but she didn't care. She was a little out of breath but she kept on hitting him. "How could you? How could you...," she didn't have enough strength to continue, her bag fell on the floor but she didn't even notice.

"I'm sorry," Kenneth said for the umpteenth time. "Sorry."

"Shut up."

"Lady I-"

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