Chapter 1

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Okay, so I wanted to create this fanfiction for Chronicals of Nick where Caleb has a sister. Yes, people you love from the original stories are in it. Even Ash. It's okay, go ahead and have a drool moment. And just a note, Zavid is taken in this, as well as Simi. Hope you enjoy!!

All I could remember from my childhood was pain and loss. I've had to deal with the loss of my family, including my older brother, Caleb. He was my savior. He was always there for me. Now, he's gone. It's my fault. Acheron always told me that it wasn't. It still feels like it though....I was so helpless. Now, he's gone. Or so I think....


"Akra-Fate! Wake up! Akri say you gotta go to school!"

"Hum....five more minutes Sim..."


"Okay! I'm up! Gods...can't get any sleep around here!" Sits up the looks at my demon friend, Simi. She grinned at me as Acheron stood in the doorway. All 6ft 8in of him. Thankfully he's my godfather, or else I would probably be going gaga over him. Most women do..

"Ash! Do I have to go today?"

"Yes! Now get out of that bed before I let Simi have a go at you bed." I glared at him, then got out of my bed. Gods, why did he always do that to me.

"Okay, I'm up. Now, get out so I can get dressed." I shooed them out then closed the door behind them. I sighed, then quickly pulled on purple corset (a gift from Simi), then pulled on my leather skirt. I knew Ash would kill me if he saw me in this, so I pulled on the jacket he had given me. It was leather, but of course, I love leather. I looked at myself in the mirror, then walked out into the kitchen. Simi was in there munching on something (yes, with barbecue sauce), and Ash was making something (I'm not even going to ask. That's why we eat out). I yawned softly, then Ash looked at me.

"I thought I told you not to wear that." I shrugged. He sighed, then pointed upstairs.

"Change. Now." I was about to argue with him, then turned and went to my room. Never a good idea to argue with Acheron. Ever. I came back down wearing blue jeans, with flip-flops with fax diamonds (or as Simi called them, sparkly yum-yums. I know, she's crazy), a white tank top, and the same leather jacket.

"Is this better?"

"Yes, very much." I sat down, then he set a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Whoa..they dont look burnt." I looked at him as he just casually leaned on the counter. I took a bite, and my eyes widen as I looked at him again.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Who are you and what have you done with my godfather?"

"I take it it's good for once?"

"Hell ya!" I started to chow down and Simi laughed.

"Go Akra-Fate! Shows those pancakes who's boss! Um..Akri? It's time for her to go to school.." He looked at the clock, then cursed. "Let's go, Fate." I looked at him, then sighed. Finishing up my breakfast, I grabbed my book bag, and walked out the door. Ash followed after me, then took me to school in his Porsche.

"Why do I have to go to school? What if I can't control my powers, or...or what if the Apocalypse happens?!" He rolled his eyes, then smirked.

"Ha! Made you smile." I sat back in the seat with a smug look. We always do this bet to see if I can get him to smile in the mornings. It always works. We pulled up to the school, and I looked around. Humans everywhere. A couple of demons. A were-wolf. I looked to Ash, then a kid ran up to us.

"Hey Ash! What are you doing here?"

"Sup, Cajun. Just getting my god-daughter registered here."

"Aren't her actual parents suppose to do that?" That struck a nerve. I looked at him, a tear falling down my face.

"My parents are dead. Have been since I was a baby.."

"O-oh..I'm sorry..." He looked at me a little sad, then looked to Ash.

"It's tender spot for her...Nick, with is my god-daughter, Fate." Nick smiled, and held out his hand. I shook it, then we went inside.

Ash came over to us about 10 minutes later, then looked at me.

"Be good. Don't destroy anything. Don't pull any pranks. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it. Don't worry." I hugged him, and he hugged me back. Tears fell down my face as I whispered, "I love you, Uncle Ash." He smiled at me, then looked to Nick.

"Don't let her do anything stupid, or no more driving lessons."

"Oh come on! Why do I have to watch her?!" Ash grinned at him. Ooo...bad move, boy.

"Because I said so. And if you don't, I will also make Simi e-"

"Okay! I'll do it!" He grumbled, and Ash grinned. I giggled, then Nick scratched his eyebrow with his middle finger. Yeah, he's a friend of Achron's. I hugged Ash again, then he left. I looked at Nick and he held the office door open for me.

"Shall we start the day of hell?"


Okay, hope you enjoyed this chapter. It make take awhile to update, but....just one thing to remember. CHRONICELS OF NICK RULE!! :3

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