Chapter 3

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Hello my wattwolves! I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've been busy this summer, plus my phone went out on me. So please disregard me absents because I am here now! Any who, I just want to tell you that I know the last chapter was short as I don't know what but have no fear! When I am finally done with the fanfic I will be editing like crazy, so you can enjoy it. Now without further interruption, Fate's story. Enjoy. Oh, and I'm putting in a few other POV's. You're welcome. And can someone tell me where the italics are??

Nick looked at the girl who was staring at his best friend. Oh god, demon glamour. Nick elbowed him, then when Caleb looked over, she was gone. Huh? Caleb blinked.

"What are you staring at?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. Nick shook his head. "Nothing. I think I'm losing my mind.

"That's nothing knew, Nick." Caleb snorted, then Kody elbowed him. "Ow."

"Don't make fun of my Nick." Kody glared. Nick's heart hammered out of his chest as she kissed his cheek. Caleb rolled his eyes.

"Let's just get to class." They went, then Nick stopped as he saw the Fate girl in their class. Caleb didn't even notice her. Why is she staring?, he thought. They looked similar, but he wasn't going to say anything. Nick sighed. He was actually on time for once. What the hell? Nick glanced at Caleb, then looked at Fate. You could feel the tension from her. Who are you Fate...

There he was. My target was right there. I stared at Caleb, but he didn't notice. I saw Nick looking at me, but I didn't are. Caleb...

I sat down in the back row, and just did the work. Ugh. This was so simple, I was done in two minutes. Everyone stared as I turned it in, then just started reading. I started hearing things like teachers pet, and brainiack. Keep it together...keep it together. I was trying to hold down my instinct to back talk, but I have to behave. Father would be disappointed. Just a few more hours. I yawned, then screamed as I started seeing flashbacks. Everyone stared at me, then as the bell rang, everything went black.

Everyone rushed over as Fate passed out onto the ground. It had been strange. She started to get pale, then she started screaming. Everyone stared at her like she was crazy, then she passed out as a fire drill started. Caleb picked her up, then ran off with her.

Dude, seriously? He commented. He could hear Caleb growl.

Nick, just trust me. We need to get her out of here.

Right behind you with Kody. They all ran when Ash pulled up.

"Yo, Cajun!" He yelled to Nick, and Nick stopped in his tracks. "Where's he running off with my god daughter for?!" Ash didn't look too happy.

"I don't know. Caleb just said trust him and then he ran off with her." Ash frowned, then as he started to get back into his car, all hell started to break loose.

Give us the girl...give her to us...

She will be safe with us...

Nick looked around, trying to find the voices. What was going on? Nick had a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. The sky around him darkened, and Grim stepped into view. Nick didn't have time to del with Grim right now. He jumped into Ash's car, and they zoomed off to Caleb's house.

So it begins... Grim thought to himself. The girl was starting to be the new problem. Ever since she moved here, Grim had more reports to do with the deaths around this girl. Even if she didn't know of it. Though, things would change for her soon. Fate was a source of destruction. Her father....he would be pleased once she unlocked her powers. She would be like Nick. Just a bit less powerful. To become greater, Grim knew deep down....she would have to kill her brother. Grim sighed to himself.
"Damn you to hell, Chaos. Damn you." He walked to his layer for the night.

Chronicels of Nick: Fate's storyWhere stories live. Discover now