chapter 7

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You slowly open your eyes to an unfamiliar room. You sit up and realize that you're naked. You remember last nights events and smile.
You wonder where Chris is since he's not beside you. You get up and put on your underwear and his Misfits tee shirt.
As you start to walk out of the bedroom, you can here distant music.
You quietly walk toward the sound until you're a the kitchen. Chris has his back to you and he's cooking something. You watch him as he slightly dances as some classic rock plays in the background. He's in just his briefs and you admire him for a moment.
You decide to actually say something, "I hope you're good at cooking too."
He turns around and smiles at you before staring.
"What?", you asked suddenly confused.
He motions for you to come closer to him. You step over to him and he picks you up and sits you on the counter.
"You really look good in my clothes.", he almost growls at you.
You're face turns red. His smile becomes big before kissing you.
This kiss was different from others you've shared; It's hungrier.
You finally pull away.
"You're gonna burn the food Chris!"

Chris Cerulli X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now