Chapter One

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I stand in front of MACUSA headquarters and mentally prepare myself before I walk in. I've never cared much for the Wizarding community in America and the last time I was here I spent more time being imprisoned by MACUSA than anything else. I sigh and begin to make my way into the building. The place is as busy as ever with witches and wizards scuttling around everywhere. "Valerie Rosier? Have you returned to set more buildings on fire?" I turn to face President Picquery. As I said before, the last time I was here did not end very well. "How many times must I say, that was an accident. And the muggles were completely unharmed."

"Why are you here, Miss Rosier?"

"I've come to visit an old friend. I'm sure there is no law against that." I say with a sarcastic smile. "I would suggest you be more careful than you were the last time you graced us with your presence. One more incident from you and I will have to ban you from entering the United States. For the protection of all those here." President Picquery states before walking away. I roll my eyes at her back and continue on to where I am heading. I make it to Mr. Graves office and knock on the door. "Come in."

I open the door and step in. "I think I like you better in this body, Grindelwald." He looks up from his desks and smiles. "Valerie, you finally made it. I was beginning to think you weren't going to come." I sit down at the chair across from Gellert and pick up the file he was reading. "I almost didn't. You know I'm not very fond of MACUSA. Not to mention all the trouble you've gotten me in. But, I do owe you a favour." Mary Lou Barebone was pictured on the file along with all the rest of the Second Salemers. "Why do you care about the crazy muggle woman? I remember her from the last time I was in New York."

"I am certain one of the children under her care is an obscurus. There is a boy in her midst who I have been working with to discover which one it is. He's a squib, desperate to be apart of the wizarding world. This is one of the reasons I asked you here. I want your help, we worked so well together before..."

Seeing Gellert in the body of Percival Graves almost makes it difficult to take him seriously. I met him nine years ago, right after I left Hogwarts. He was wanted by every Aurora in the country and at the time, I was somewhat fascinated by him. He taught me all sorts of dark magic and I spent about three years traveling around with him, learning from the most powerful dark wizard the world has seen yet. But all of the terrible things I did by his side caught up with me eventually and I was sent to Azkaban for a year. One of the conditions of my release was that I had to stay away from Gellert Grindelwald. I've only been out 6 months and look where I am.

"What could you possibly need me for? I went to Azkaban for working with you, I don't want to go back." I ask. "The obscurus has been reeking havoc all over the city. MACUSA has been trying to figure out what is causing all of this destruction and I am growing concerned that they will soon start investigating the Second Salemers for themselves and discover the child. When the time comes, I'll need your help with getting the child on our side and out of New York. I assure you, no one will ever find out you are working with me again." His promises slip out of his mouth like honey and it's hard to not fall for it. 

"I have missed it all. In London I'm on constant watch now, I can never have any fun. What do you need me to do?"

Gellert pulls out a photograph of a woman with short, dark hair. "This is Tina Goldstein, she used to be an auror before she assaulted Barebone very publically. Even now she continues to hang around the second Salemers meetings and I am afraid she is going to draw even more of MACUSA's attention to Barebone and the children. I am almost positive she is there now. I need you to go a make sure she stays away from them. If she asks any questions just say you were sent on behalf of MACUSA and that she needs to report back here right away." Gellert explains while placing an address in front of me on the desk. "You want me to babysit an ex auror?" I ask, slightly disappointed. "Yes, it is very important that we get to the child before Picquery becomes aware of what is really destroying the city. I need them away from the second Salemers." He tells me. "Why do you want the obscurus so bad?" Gellert looks at me as if I've just asked the dumbest question ever. "Do you have any idea how devastating of a weapon an obscurus can be? Especially if controlled?"

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