Chapter 7 The Surprise Ring

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It was August eleventh and Ginny's Birthday. Harry and Ginny woke up to an empty house besides Kreatrue of course. Hermione and Ron had found an appartment two days before and they had moved in yesterday. It was in Diagon Alley and they found it for the perfect price so they had jumped at the offer. Harry and Ginny liked having them there with them of course but it was so nice at the same time to not have them there so that they could be alone. Harry was rubbing Ginny's back and both layed in bed for a little bit. "Happy 18th birthday Gin." Harry said calmly but with a smile on his face. Ginny smiled, rolled over and kissed him. they eventually had to get out of bed and get ready for the day and the party that night. Harry was down in the kitchen making breakfast when Ginny came down the stairs. She sat at the table as he placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of her to the side of her food he placed a large box. Ginny smiled and reached for the box as Harry sat down across from her. She opened it to find a necklace. It was a simple silver chain but it had a silver broomstick on it. Ginny's smile got bigger as she took it form the box and looked at it. It was by far her favorite peice of jewelry. "Oh Harry! I love it so much thank you." Ginny said with the still huge smile on her face. She pushed her breakfast to the side and leaned accross the table to kiss him. "Gin, flip it over." Harry said excitedly. She did and on the back of the broomstick were three small characters written in gold, "H + G." Ginny stood from her seat walked over to Harry and thanked him with a long and very passionate kiss.

Everyone was already at the Burrow when Harry and Ginny had apparated. When they walked inot the living room everyone shouted "Happy Birthday!" Harry kept a hold of Ginny's hand as they were embraced by various people. All of the Weasleys were, even Charlie, and Teddy and Andromeda were there as well. They sat and had dinner then they went ouside while George lit off firewirks. Hermione and Mrs. Weasley then went inside and got the cake. They brought it out with eighteen sparklers on top. They each got a peice of cake and they sat in the garden. Everyone was talking about different things. Fleur was due any day now and she was getting very big. Ginny looked at her brother and his wife, who she had once hated, with such jealousy. She wanted what they had. After the cake Teddy and Andromeda left but they left a box of candies for Ginny.

It was time for presents. Charlie got Ginny a framed and autographed picture of the Holyhead Harpies. Bill and Fleur got her a few dresses and and everyday outfit which graciously accepted as she was in need of new clothes. George and Angela got her a box of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products which just made Ginny laugh then she started to tear up. "Sorry everyone but can you excuse us for a moment? Harry can I talk to you?" Ginny said as calmly as she could. Harry was concerned and fallowed her out of the garden and into the house. When Harry looked behind he saw that everyone looked slightly concerned. Ginny hadn't even gotten to all of her presents.

When they got inside Ginny turned to Harry and started to cry. "Fred," she just kept repeating his name. Harry understood and pulled her into an embrace and walked her over to the couch. They sat down and Ginny put her face in Harry's chest and she cried. When she finally stopped Harry said, "I know you miss him. We all do. I know it is really hard not having him here on your birthday. Gin he would have been and is so proud of you I can garantee you that. He wouldn't want you to be sad though." Ginny nodded and sat up she knew they needed to rejoin the party. "I know. We should probably get back out there. Harry, will you go out first and tell them that I just needed to talk to you alone for a moment then I will come out after? I really don't want them to ask me questions." Harry nodded and stood. He made Ginny stand as well. He kissed her and said, "I will be by you for the rest of the night just hold on to that. And even when I am not with in person I am still with you." Harry pointed at Ginny's new necklace and smiled and he knew she understood what he meant.

When Harry walked out to the garden everyone turned. They all had very concerned faces on though no one said anything while Harry walked over and sat down. "Ginny just needed to talk to me for a moment she will be out in a minute I think she went up to the bathroom." Harry said as convincingly as possible. They all nodded though they all knew there was more to it but they didn't mention it again. Ginny came out a few moments later and instead of sitting next to Harry on the bench she sat on the grass between his knees. Percy stood and handed Ginny a box when she opened it she found a new set of Quidditch balls. She smiled and thanked him. She needed a new set because her old one was almost completely destroyed. Ron and Hermione gave hera new quidditch uniform and a few clothes as well. Hermione knew that Ginny needed new clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley gave Ginny a charm bracelet. The charms included a broom, a castle, a quaffle, a wand, and a the letter W. Ginny stood and gave her parents each a hug. She loved it so much. "Thanks everyone for my presents they are absolutely perfect" Ginny exclaimed and went around and hugged her family.

"Actually you have one more surprise." Harry said with a huge grin on his face. He looked at Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and winked at then and the smiled in return. Ginny was not expecting to get anything else from Harry. He had already gave her the necklace so she was surprised when he said that there was more. Harry walked over and grabbed her hand. He took her out of the circle and walked over to the flowers. Everyone looked really excited they wanted to know what he was going to give her. He looked at her for a moment then got down on one knee then everyone including Ginny gasped very loudly. At that point Harry was unaware of anyone else as he took the box that held the ring, opened it and held it out in front of Ginny and said, "Ginny you know how much I love you. We have been through so much together since the first time that I saw you at Kingscross Station. We survived the Chamber of Secrets and being apart when I had to leave with Ron and Hermione and everything in between. We have been through so much and I don't want to go a day for the rest of my life without you by my side. I want a life with you and a family with you. I love you more than anything in this whole world and will continue to do so. Always. Will you marry me?" Ginny had tears in her eyes and her hands were up covering her mouth. She was in pure shock. She knew that she would marry Harry one day but she didn't know that it would be anytime soon. Ginny's hands were shaking as she lowered them slightly and with a smile she said, "Yes! Always!" and as Harry stood she jumped into his arms. When she let Harry go he slipped the ring on her finger. It was a gold band with a large white diamond in the center surrounded by small red ones. Ginny didn't even have time to fully love the ring as her family was running over to them.

Both Harry and Ginny were being hugged and kissed on the cheeck as they went from family member to family member. Everyone was so surprised and happy for them. After they had all embraced Harry and Ginny that is when they started yelling at Harry. "Why din't you tell me before mate?" Ron yelled. They all gave similar remarks except Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. "Stop!" Mrs. Weasley said. "I know you all wished that he would have told you but he wanted this to be a surprise for you guys. Harry asked mine and your father's permission and we agreed that he should surprise all of you. Now stop shouting we have more cake that needs to be eaten." With that everyone stopped and smiled they all gave Harry and Ginny another hug and congratulations as they walked into the house for more cake.

The party was over and everyone had left the Burrow except Harry and Ginny who wanted a private moment with her parents. "Thank you again mum and dad for eveything. And I really want to thank you for letting this guy ask me to marry him" Ginny said with a smile as she held Harry's hand. "We know you two are right for each other. We love you both" Mr. Weasley said with a smile. With that Harry and Ginny both gave them hugs goodbye and they walked out to the garden and apparated back home. When they got there they walked straight up to their room. They were both very tired and they wanted nothing more than to hold each other. After they got into their night clothes and got into bed Ginny said, "I will wear this necklace, bracelet and ring always. Well I guess if I make a quidditch team then I wont be able to wear the necklace and bracelet but I will always keep them with me." Harry smiled and leaned in to kiss Ginny.

"I can't believe that I am engaged to the famous Harry Potter. I knew that one day this would happen but I honestly did not think it would be so soon. Though I am beyond thrilled that you asked me now. I want nothing more than to be your wife" Ginny spoke quietly. She then glanced down at the ring. She had not been able to fully appreciate it. It had her favorite colors, gold and red which were the Gryffindore colors as well. "Oh Harry it is so beautiful and perfect." Ginny leaned in again as she said this. They kiseed and when Harry pulled back he realized that Ginny was crying. "What is wrong?" he asked her. "I am just so happy. I said to myself this morning that the necklace was my favorite piece of jewelry but I was wrong this ring is my favorite." Harry smiled as they kissed again. They were holding each other when Harry said, "I will love you always." Ginny responded with a simple "always" as they both smiled and they drifted under the sheets.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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