Chapter 3 The Story

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When Harry and Ginny finally entered the Burrow's living room everyone paused and looked at their faces before finally stopping to look at their hands entwined. The two felt very uncomfortable and after a moment Mrs. Weasley stood up and ran to them and gave Ginny a big hug and gave an exceptionally long one to Harry. She then lead the two of them into the living room and Harry sat in a chair and motioned for Ginny to sit on his lap and she obliged. The living room now contained the entire Weasley family and Harry and Hermione. The all looked to the ground for a moment before Harry said, "You can ask the questions that you want to. I know you have them and I would rather answer them now than later." There was another long pause before Hermione finally spoke. "Harry, why don't you just tell us all what happened yesterday. The Weasleys know about what the three of us had been up to the last few months but Ron and I didn't know what to tell them about yesterday. Instead of us all asking you uncomfortable questions why don't you just tell us what happened from your point of view."

Harry looked at her he knew that what she was saying would be easier. Everyone was now looking at him encouragingly and waiting for him to start. He then looked up to Ginny who smiled and sqeezed his hand telling him to go on. He nodded and began to tell the story starting with him, Ron and Hermione apparating into Hogsmeade. About an hour or so later Harry had finished his story. He looked around and realized that all the women including Hermione, Mrs, Weasley, and Fleur all had tears in their eyes. Ginny was crying again as well but her face was sheilded as she snuggled into Harry's chest. The men in the room loooked sad and tried to console the women. Harry didn't know if he should say anything so he sat in the chair and just held Ginny even more tightly.

About thirty minutes later people started to function again. That was when Mrs. Mr. Weasley stood and walked over to Hermione and Ron and Mr. Weasley said, "Hermione, you are welcom to be here as long as you need. I know you and Ron are planning on going to Australia in a few days with Charlie to look for your parents but you can stay as long as you need." This was news to Harry. He knew that she would be going eventually but he had no clue when. He was happy though that she didn't ask him to go with them. He would have gone but he didn't want to leave Ginny and he just wanted to find himself after all that had happened. A few seconds later Mr. Weasley turned and walked to Harry. Mrs. Weasley nodded in encouragement when he finally said, "Harry, Molly and I want you to stay here at the Burrow. We know that you could live at Grimmauld Place but we want you to live here at least for awhile. We concider you family and we think it would be the best thing for you to stay here with us until things calm down and you decide on what you want to do." Harry didn't know what to say. He patted Ginny's leg asking her to stand up for a moment. He stood and walked over to Mr. Weasley and gave him a hug. He then turned to Mrs. Weasley and gave her a hug. When he pulled away he said, "I would love to stay here. You are the only true family that I have ever had that has been with me since the beginning. I would love nothing more than to stay here with you all for awhile. I appreciate it so much Mr. and Mrs. Weasley." Harry smiled then him, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all started to make their way up the stairs to their room.

They stopped at Ginny's room where Harry kissed Ginny on the cheek said good night and made his way up to Ron's room. Ron stayed for a moment to kiss Hermione on the lips and say good night. When Ron got upstairs Harry was already laying in his bed and was in night clothes. Harry tried not to laugh at Ron as he entered the room. "Shut up" Ron practicly shouted as he too tried to hide his smile. After Ron had changed his clothes and gotten into bed they both just layed there. The same could be said for the girls. A few hours they had all gone to bed but Hermione decided that she wanted to see Ron. She made her way up the stairs as quietyly as possible. She oped Ron's door to find Harry's bed enpty. She oped the door and walked to Ron's bed. As she made her way to the bed he turned and lifted up the covers because he wanted her to climb in. "Harry went to the bathroom I think... Hermione I love you" Ron finally said. Only after being in Ron's bed together for a few moments they both driffted to sleep.

After using the bathroom Harry went back up to Ron's room. He oped the door to find Hermione and Ron wrapped in each other's arms. Harry smiled then shut the door and decided he didn't want to spend the night alone and he made his way to Ginny's room. He didn't bother to knock and he opened the door and made his way over to the bed. Ginny's back was facing him and he quietly sat down on the bed and started to rub Ginny's head. She turned her head and smiled. "I thought you were asleep" Harry said with a smile. "I couldn't sleep and I guess you couldn't either. I heard Hermione get up and leave. I am guessing she went up to Ron's room?" Harry nodded and rolled his eyes. Ginny smiled and moved over so that Harry could get into her bed. The bed was small so they were very close. Their faces less than an inch from each other. The layed there for quite some time before they leaned in and kissed for what seemed like a very long time. When they finally pulled apart they smiled and Harry pulled Ginny closer. "Harry what does the word 'Always' mean to you? I noticed how you reacted to the the word and used it. I assumed there must be some deep meanig behind it." Harry paused for a moment and decided that he would never keep anything from Ginny Ever and and he started to explain the meaning of the word and what it meant to Snape and his mother. With that Harry said, "Ginny I love you and will be with you always." Ginny replied with a simple word. "Always." They kissed and Ginny was happy to understand the meaning that the word held for Harry. She hoped that they too would be able to use the word as they had been. They continued to hold each other and after a few moments they too were asleep.

When Harry and Ginny woke in the morning it was about nine and Harry kissed her and went upstairs to find Ron's room empty and he got dressed. He went back down to Ginny's room and waited for her to come out. When she did he took her hand and they walked down to the kitchen together. When they walked in only Mrs. Weasley was there. She turned and smiled when she heard them. She told them to come and get breakfast and to head out to the yard to meet with the others who hadn't been up too long. Harry and Ginny grabbed thier breakfast and walked hand in hand to the garden where they found the others. They all smiled and the two of them sat down and they all ate their breakfast without talking. After they ate they all went about and did their own things. They had all been asked to return to Hogwarts later that day to help clean things up as much as they could before the Rememberance Celebration that was taking place there the next day for all those who died in the battle. They all had a couple of hours before they expected to arrive.

Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione decided that they wanted to relax for a bit so they walked over to the large field that is by the Burrow. They all sat down in the tall grass. Hermione was sitting next to Ron with her head on his shoulder and Ginny had her head in Harry's lap and was laying down. "So how did everyone sleep?" Ron asked with a smirk on his face. Hermione sat up and punched his arm. "Oi, Hermione!" Ron yelled. Harry and Ginny started to laugh. "Ron you know very well how we all slept. As soon as we were with the people we wanted to be with we all slept well. You know that." Hermione teased but with a stern face. "I would like to propose something," Hermione said a few moments later. "I know that I have not been able to sleep since the Battle unless I am with Ron and I am fairly sure that it is the same for all of us. We can't sleep unless You Harry are with Ginny and Ron is with me. I say we should just keep it that way. After the Weasleys have gone to bed Harry and I will swap rooms so that way we all might be able to sleep. We won't tell the Weasley's because they probably wouldn't like it but I know that I can't sleep without Ron. It is too frightening." Harry looked at Ginny and smiled then they all looked to Hermione and nodded but looked at her with odd faces. They had not expected her to be the one to say it. Hermione replied, "What? you all know you wanted it you just didn't want to say it. Someone had to." They all smiled. They didn't say much they all just sat there close to each other and enjoyed the outside air and frequent breeze. An hour or so later they heard Mr. Weasley call from the house. It was time for them to go to Hogwarts. They all stood and made their way back to the house.

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