Chapter 6 Another Beginning

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It had been over one year sinse the Celebration at Hogwarts and it was the beginning of August. Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione were going to be moving out of the Burrow within the week and they were going to Grimwauld Place. So much had happened in the past year. A decre had been made saying that anyone who was in The Battle of Hogwarts did not have to finishout their schooling at Hogwarts. The Weasleys also helped to rebuild the famous school. The ministry was back to normal and was no longer corrupt. Hermione was went back to Hogwarts to finish out her final year even though she didn't have to. Harry and Ron had started Auror Training at the Ministry and they were to start work there in the middle of August. Hermione went into the Department of Care of Magical Creatures after she finished up her year at Hogwarts. Ginny took a year off to train for Quidditch and was now wanting to try out for a professional team. It took some time for Ginny to persuade her mom to let her move in with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She was was of age and there was nothing her parents could do about it. Ron and Hermione were going to stay at Grimwauld Place for only a month or so until they could find a place of their own. All of the Weaslys were doing a lot better even George who had started dating Angela Johnson and they were both working and living at the joke shop. Percy had started dating a girl as well. Bill and Fleur were expecting their first child within the month. Harry and Hermione were doing well and Hermione visited her parents often. It took them a few days to find them in Australllia but they weren't going to give up. Harry and Ginny had a few struggles but they help each other through them. Teddy Lupin was living with his grandmother and Harry would take him on weekends when he wasn't working. Harry had decided that it was the best thing for Teddy but when it came to the time when his grandmother could no longer take care of him Harry would take him in.

It was the morning that Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione were to move out of the Burrow. They already moved there things over to Grimwauld Place. The promised Mrs. Weasly that they would have one last breakfast at the Burrow and they would come there every Friday night for a family dinner. After breakfast they all hugged Mr. and Mrs. Weasly goodbye, promised they would be safe, and would see them frequently. Ginny took Harry's hand and they apparated. Kreature still worked at the home and he greeted them when they popped into the kitchen. "Masters welcome." Kreature said in a scratchy voice. They all acknowledged him and head up to their rooms to unpack. Ginny and Harry were sharing a room as was Hermione and Ron. They had to sleep apart a few times in the past year but none of them could sleep and when they did they woke up screaming. On occasion they would still wake screaming but it was less difficult. Ginny was sitting on the bed while Harry was unpacking a box with magic. Ginny had already made the bed and within ten minutes Harry had all the boxes unpacked in the room and he walked over and sat next to Ginny.

"How are you doing Gin?" Harry asked as he took her hand. She smiled and replied, "I am doing alright. I am happy that I decided to come here with you. I am just tired thats all. Can we unpack the rest of the house tomorrow? The place isalready clean and I know Kreature is already working on it as well. Can we just relax today?" Harry was happy that she had asked this because he wanted to rest as well and he nodded with a huge smile and his face. They moved so that they were laying on the bed and they turned on the muggle television that they had purchased and started to flip throught the channels.

Hermione and Ron were unpacking as well. They had finished their room and started working in the living room. They wanted to know what was keeping Ginny and Harry so they walked up to their room and peeked in. The two of them were asleep with the muggle television on. Hermione closed the door and her and Ron made their way back down stairs. "We should finish unpacking. Afterall they are letting us stay here for a bit." Hermione said and Ron nodded and it only took them a few hours, with the help of Kreature, to unpack the contents of the house. When they were done they went into the kitchen to have some butterbeer nd sit down and relax for a bit. Hermione had taken off work for two weeks so she could help move in and so that she could be with Ron and Harry before they started their jobs at the ministry. "Wow, you guys didn't have to do all the unpacking we were just going to do it tomorrow" Harry said as he walked inot the Kitchen with Ginny. "Well it was the least that we could after everything. Who says we order a pizza for dinner and then we can all sit down and watch a movie for a bit?" Hermione said as she stood and went to the phone to order the pizza. The phone along with the televisions were just a few muggle things that they had put into the house. Hermione knew that they all would agree so she ordered the pizza and they went into the living room and turned the movie on. It wasn't long after they ate the pizza before they all decided that it was too late and they went up to bed.

When they all woke the next morning they ate breakfast together then Ron and Hermione left to go spend the day with her parents. That left Harry and Ginny alone for a bit. It was August third and Ginny's birthday was in eight days. "Ginny your parents talked to me yesterday and they want the entire family to get together on your birthday at the Burrow so that we can all celebrate" Harry finally said as they were sitting on the couch. "Harry I don't want a big party can't we just stay here?" Ginny asked in responce. Harry shook his head and said, "We need to go and your family wants to celebrate with you. You don't really have a choice at this point." She knew that and she accepted having to go though she really didn't feel like it. Harry smiled because he wanted to make this birthday special for her.

After Hermione and Ron got home Harry told them that he needed to go to Hogwarts to talk to Professor McGonagall about a few things which was a lie he was actually going to go over to the Burrow for a moment. Harry promised them that he would be back shortly and would bring back dinner. Harry left moments later and apparated to the Burrow. Harry took a deep breathe and walked to the door and knocked. "Oh Harry dear I didn't know you were stopping by for a visit. Did anyone else come with you?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she looked behind Harry. "No, I am alone I actually came to talk to Mr. Weasley for a moment if he is home." With that Mrs. Weasley smiled and called for Aurthur. "Mr. Weasley I was wondering if I could take you up on your offer you made to me a year ago and talk to you?" Mr. Weasley looked slighty shocked and fallowed Harry out to the garden where they sat on a bench. "Mr. Weasley, you know how much I love and care for Ginny and I am pretty sure she feels the same way. I will always protect her and put her needs before my own. I love her more than life itself and with that I was wondering if I could get your permission to ask for your daughter to be my wife?" Harry was talking very quickly he was nervous and it took a moment for Mr. Weasley to respond and that made Harry even more nervous. "Harry I know you love her and will pprotect her no matter what. I already consider you to be a son and I would love for it to be official and to have my daughter marry you." They both smiled at this. Harry was beyond happy. He hadn't told a sole about his plans to ask Mr. Weasley this. He didn't even tell Ron or Hermione. Mr. Weasley stood and said, "We better go in. Molly will be very upset if you don't tell her immediately."

Mrs. Weasley was screaming with joy and she ran and gave Harry a hug after he told her of his intentions of marrying Ginny. "Oh Harry I am so happy for both of you do you know how you are going to ask her?" Mrs. Weasley asked almost out of breathe as she stepped away from Harry and motioned for them all to sit. Harry was thrilled that both of Ginny's parents approved and were this happy. "I was wanting to do it here actually at her birthday party." Harry said after a monent or two. "Oh Harry that will make it so special for her. Who else have you told and who do you plan on telling?" Mrs. Weasley asked. She was still really excited. "Uh I haven't told anyone about this except you two and I want to keep it that way. I want everyone to be surprised. Would you two mind keeping it a secret?" Harry asked. He didn't know how they would feel about this bit. "Harry of course we will keep it secret. Hermione and Ron might be mad that you didn't tell them but it will be great for everyone to be surprised." Mr Weasley said. About twenty minutes later Harry left the Burrow after some big hugs from both Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Harry apparated to a park which was accross the street from a chinese restraunt. Harry went inside ordered some food and apparated home.

They all sat down for dinner when Harry got home. Harry was trying to hind the fact that he was so happy. He still needed to get the ring but he planned on doing that tomorrow. After dnner Hermione and Ginny spent some time in the kitchen talking while Harry and Ron were in the living room. "What is up with you mate?" Ron asked. Harry answered quickly. "Nothing, Professor McGonagall asked me to come and teach a few classes of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts next year." This wasn't a lie she had asked him that but it was a few weeks ago. They were all so appreciative that they didn't have work for about another week and a half. A few hours later they all went up and went to bed.

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