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So, as most of you know, teen wolf is coming to an end. Unfortunately. I absolutely love teen wolf, the characters, anything really about the show. I'm not gonna spoil anything for some of you who maybe aren't caught up with the show, so I'll shut up now, but :( I don't wait it to end.

On another less depressing note, what do you guys think of Amara? And also, if you have any like ideas for her (bc tbh i need as many ideas as possible for this book bc i really love it but authors block is a bitch) send me a direct message or just comment on this. And I know some of you want her to be an assassin so Luke could be with Lydia, but no that is not the way this is going. I have good intentions for Amara, because I really like her character. So idk, this is a Lydia fanfic, so that's that but I won't have Amara be an assassin. She's way too sweet. SO yeah that's all i gotta say for now, enjoy the chapter!! Also I apologize in advance if the chapter sucks, I don't really have a plan for this chapter, I just felt that it was time to post one.

Oh and before i forget to say something, I feel like it's also about time to start editing this book, bc tbh it's a train wreck lmao. I won't unpublish any chapters, but I will be editing so don't worry. Just giving you guys a heads up just in case you go back and realize some things are different.

     Ring. Ring. Ring. 

Luke pressed the red button on his phone, locking it and then proceeded to close his eyes and attempt to go back to sleep. It was 2 in the morning, and his phone was going off non-stop. First it was Scott, which he ignored. Then it was Lydia, which he hesitated but then ignored. Then it was Kira, who he ignored. Then it was Stiles, who he ignored as well — the first time. 

Unlike the others, Stiles for sure did not know how to stop. He kept calling and calling and calling and calling, and well, just being a pain in the ass. 

Ring. Ring. Rin—

"Oh for the love of God!"  Luke yelled as Stiles called for the thirty second time tonight. Giving in, he pressed the green button. "What the fuck do you want, Stilinski?" He practically growled into the phone.

"Do you not know how a phone works? You're supposed to press the green button when someone calls you, we've been trying to reach you for half an hour now!" And even though they weren't face to face, Luke had a feeling Stiles was very frustrated right now. "I know how a phone works, but there's also something called sleep. You know when you close your eyes for a couple hours in a bed."

"Really? Sleep? Never heard of it. Not in my dictionary."

Luke sighed, realizing that Stiles wasn't going to hang up and let him sleep. "What do you want Stiles?"

"We need you to go with Kira to the school. She needs help."

Rolling his eyes, Luke ran his fingers through his hair, "And how exactly is that my problem?"

"Part of Satomi's pack were running towards the school. Satomi's pack. Last time I checked you're friends with a certain Talbot." Stiles' voice echoed in Luke's brain. Now yes, Brett and him were friends, but they weren't exactly really close. They just happen to know each other because they used to go to the same type of parties.

But nonetheless, one of his friends is in danger, "Alright fine. Tell Kira I'll meet her at the school." And before Stiles could respond, the Hale hung up and got up from bed. 

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