{1} Elaine/El

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^^~^^~^^Chapter 1^^~^^~^^

"El, you are to find the missing children in a dragon's lair."He ordered.


Let's go back in time and find out what really happened.........

* * *

It was a bit chilly. The first rays of morning tiptoed through the window, birds were singing, I heard the howls of the wind, gently singing unto my ear, today is a very peaceful day. That said, I didn't feel like doing anything right now. The bed was calling me to sleep.

I heard something. It was the sound of my stomach growling. I guess I should get something to eat. Cakes would be nice. I love cakes. Well.... I love anything as long as it is edible and yummy. There was a time where we would only eat once a day and the food wasn't that delicious, but we have no choice but to eat, or else we would starve.

I cast an invisibility spell which only lasts a few minutes, around me to avoid being seen, as I venture to the kitchen. I walked through the hallway, hiding from people with the invisibility spell. I am quite popular you know, specially with girls. That's one of the reasons why I used this invisibility spell. What!!! You think I am a boy. Well for your information, I am 100% a girl but for some reasons I am currently disguised as a guy.

I reached my destination - the kitchen. There was a chef standing there cutting vegetables by himself, and besides him, a blueberry cake is sitting there, vulnerable to its prey.

In other words, ME.

I tip-toed to the table, took the cake when he wasn't looking, and carefully walk away. I was already outside of the room when I heard him say: "AH!! Where's that damn cake? Yesterday the chicken I cooked was missing. The other day it was the meat. Why does the food I make always go missing?"The cook said, looking around to find suspicious suspects, scratching the back of his neck with an irritated look on his face.

I went back into my room and eat this delicious blueberry cake. It's about time I introduce myself, right?

Do I really need to?

I am Elaine Red. My surname is Red cause my hair is red as an apple, says the one who named me. People call me El -a male name. I am an orphan ,a mage and a commander of the army at the age of 15. I am very strong, you know? That's why people easily thought I am a boy even though I look like a girl. No one will think that the Commander of an army is a 15-year-old-girl. And plus, no one will take orders from a cute little 15-year-old girl like me so it's easier for me to disguise as a girl. I think that was what Firo was trying to tell me.

~~~//the conversation five years ago//~~~

(Elaine, from this day onwards, you will dress as a boy)


(Err... because... people will criticise your gender and age if you plan to help me and become a commander)

(Why can't young girls lead an army?)

(A ten-year-old-girl leading an army is unheard of)

(So, a ten-year-old-boy can?)



It's very peaceful right now. No wars, no conflicts, no enemies so, I, the Commander, is taking it easy, sitting on my comfy bed, here inside my room, eating this delicious blueberry cake that I love.

Knock knock knock...

'Who the hell dares disturb my breakfast?' was what I wanted to say but of course I need to be polite because he's an ally.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 ⏰

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