Kolivan nodded, deactivating the map. "To gather everything you need, yes."

The blue paladin kissed Keith's head. "Where's Rosie?"

"I left her with Hunk and Pidge."


Keith hummed as he was squeezed tightly. "Be safe." Keith sighed, smiling as Lance sweetly pecked his lips.

"I'm safe. Unfortunate things just happen." Lance mused, picking up Rosályn. He grinned as she kissed his cheek. "I'll be safe. Promise."

"Alright." Keith scooped Pike up, tired of the infant tugged on his pants.

Lance returned Rosályn's kiss, smiling as she giggled. "Bye-bye, daddy! Miss you lots already!"

The blue paladin crooned, nuzzling her. "I miss you, too!"

"Bye-bye, dada..." Pike murmured softly, voice muffled by his blanket as he looked shyly up to his father.

Lance smiled brightly. He pet Pike's curly, dark chestnut hair back and gently kissed his forehead. "Bye-bye, little man. I'll miss you, too."

Pike giggled bashfully, throwing his face into Keith's neck.

Both laughed, Rosályn giggling and nuzzling into her father.

Keith leaned forward, pressing his lips to Lance's cheek. "You should get going before Kolivan gets angry."

"He wouldn't ever get mad at me." Lance huffed, but set Rosályn down. "Goodbye, mis queridos y mis bebés."*

Humming, Keith took Rosályn's hand, preventing her from following after Lance. "Bye. I'll see you when you get back."

Lance grinned, walking backwards onto the shuddle.


Keith closed his eyes, smiling as Rosályn sang while braiding his hair. Pike sat in the bowl Keith's legs made, making odd, quiet sound effects as he played with his toys.

"Guess what, you two?" Keith mused as Rosályn tied off his braid.

Rosályn crawled around and sat beside Berrie. "What, mommy?"

"Daddy comes home tomorrow." Keith rubbed little circles into Pike's shoulders.

The three-year-old gasped, eyes sparkling. "Daddy!? Yay!" She jumped to her feet, wiggling and giggling.

Keith laughed at her as Pike leaned back, twisting to look up at Keith. "Dada?"

"Yes. Dada." The red paladin chuckled, lashing his arm out and catching Rosályn before she fell off the bed. "Careful, you!" Keith gasped, pulling her into his lap with Pike.

Pike looked up to her as she giggled. Keith nuzzled and squeezed her. "Mommy!'

"My silly girl!"


Keith yawned, but was determined to stay awake. He waited with Matthew, Pike and Rosályn fast asleep in their room.

Matthew sighed. "They're late... Hours late..."

The red paladin nodded. "It happens sometimes... But they do need to hurry their asses up."

The freedom fighter burst out laughing, then they both jolted as the bay door opened.

Matthew made sure the door was sealed before watching as the shuddle landed.

Both frowned and tensed at the condition of the ship.

Once the bay door was closed and the green light flashed, Matthew opened the door and they stepped inside.

"Oh shit!" Matthew bolted forward once two figures started limping out.

Aneira crouched slightly, Shiro's arm over her shoulders as she supported him.

Keith ran after him. "Lance! Lance- where is Lance!?" He shouted, chest suddenly tight as he looked inside the shuddle. He winced at the puddle of blood on the floor of the shuddle. "What- what the hell happened?"

Aneira panted softly, letting Matthew take Shiro. "We... Were found as we tried... To escape..." She rasped out, leaning against the shuddle.

"Where is Lance and Kolivan?" Matthew asked firmly, holding Shiro tightly.

Aneira's ears pressed flat against her head and she turned away.

Shiro coughed and shuddered in Matthew's arms, hand pressed hard on his abdomen.

"Th-they... Didn't make it..."


1212 words

A mother-fucker is what I am.

mis queridos y mis bebés. = my dear and my babies.

Ruby and Saphire : Voltron:LD Klanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن