"OK OK thanks gotta go!"

I hung up, then looked at mum who was as stunned as me. I muffled my scream and hopped on one spot until she held me by the shoulder so I could stand still.

"Wishes do come true!" I tried to control my excitement. "Did you hear? You did right? That wasn't my imagination? Was it? It couldn't be, you heard too."

"Yes I did ma chérie," she nodded. "I heard. But it doesn't sound right."

"You have so little faith maman. I can see it already, Orson and me, Quincey and Shasha. We could go on double dates, hang out at the amusement park."

"First of all, I still think you're a bit delusional about the whole Quincey Shannon situation. Secondly, Quincey would never agree to something like that."

"If Shasha tells him to, he will do it." I sat on a stool, and took my phone to call Shasha, but mum stopped me.

"You need to calm yourself first, breathe in, breathe out. Don't be pushy."

"I'll just send her a text," I replied knowing that I wouldn't be able to contain myself.

"So you and Quincey made up?" I tried to sound casual.

"Oh he already told you?" She replied.

"No, Mandy just called," I decided to go a little further. "She said she saw you two laughing together, you guys even hugged for a long time..."

She didn't answer that text, so I pushed a little more.

"She said Quincey and you were being really... lovey-dovey... is it true?"

I crossed my fingers hoping for the best. Mum looked over my shoulder waiting for Shasha's reply.

"We talked, that was it," she explained.

"Told you," mum patted my shoulder and went back to cooking.

I let out a sigh as I looked at the cieling before sending another text.

"That's it? No lovey-dovey?"

"No," Shasha answered.


"Titi, if you ever see me hug the guy, even for a mini second, please, pretty please, knock me out!"

I should have known better than to believe Mandy. I don't understand why people lie so much, especially in high school.

"Hahaha XD" I tried to be natural in my reply. "Yeah... I knew it didn't sound believable."

"We did settle things though."

"That's great :)"

I meant it. I was happy at that point to know they had at least made up. But I would have been happier if even half of what Mandy said turned out to be true.

"Sorry," mum said after Shasha and I finished our conversation.

"No, I should have known better than to believe Mandy on this."

"Why would she lie about it though?" Mum set our dinner on the table and sat next to me.

"Well," I poured water in a glass for her, "I heard that she has this huuuge crush on Quincey. She has liked him for sometime now. But he doesn't even know she exists even though they've been in the same class for two years straight."

"Ah, so it's jealousy talking. She exaggerated what she saw."

"Yeah, they probably just had a quick talk or something like that," I said. After a few bites I smiled and turned to her. "By the way, Orson already knows all the names of all his classmates." 

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