Were-creatures in General

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Were-creatures cannot avoid changing when exposed to the full moon, but do not change back until they are exposed to sunlight.  Both changes are involuntary and painful, but cloud cover or being indoors can prevent both changes.

Were-creatures crave the change.  They cannot resist going out into the moonlight to transform, even when they are terrified of what will happen when they do.  

Were-creatures are immortal, taking on youth and health every time they transform from human to magical creature.  If they are sick or injured when they transform to the magical shape, they will recover, but not instantly.

It does not work the other way.  If they are injured as a were-creature, they are still injured when they become human.  If they don’t die before the next full moon but are still injured, they will at least partly heal when they change again.

Over time, a were-creature can live forever young and healthy, as long as it avoids disease which kills quickly and accidents.  In human form, it is as mortal as any human.  It is only in animal form that it is very strong, very fast, and nearly (but not entirely) invulnerable.

Silver is always the substance that penetrates the hide of a were-creature.  No other weapon can harm it.

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