As soon as the door swung open my breath got caught in my throat. Xander stood in front of me wearing a smile of his own and let me tell you one thing, he looked stunning. A white dress shirt covered his top half, while a pair of nice dress pants were on his legs and I couldn't help but to laugh when I noticed that he had a black leather jacket on over his dress shirt.

I stepped forward and straightened out the collar on his shirt before reaching up and brushing his dark hair out of his face. While I was doing this Xander was simply watching me with an amused smile on his handsome face.

When I was satisfied I looked up at him and smiled, standing on my tip toes to gently peck his cheek.

"Are you ready angel?" Xander questioned. I felt butterflies begin to fly around in my stomach but I nodded anyways. I could feel that Xander was also nervous through the bond but I didn't say anything about it and instead took Xander's large hand in my own, giving him a confident nod.

As we descended the stairs I saw our parents waiting at the bottom, smiling at us happily. I had first thought that my parents weren't happy that Xander and I are ready to take the pack but they later told me that they were over the moon about it and that they really needed a vacation anyways.

"We'll aren't you two looking nice." My mom said as she came forward to kiss me on the cheek. She patted Xander's shoulder before returning back to my fathers side.

"Alright, lets get this show on the rode!" Reed exclaimed before leading Emily to the door. My parents followed after them and then Xander and I last.

The walk to the pack meeting sight wasn't a long one, about fifteen minutes, and when we arrived I couldn't have been more surprised. The clearing had never been ugly, with beautiful flowers and towering trees, but this is incredible.

Somebody had taken the time to decorate the clearing with all kinds of white decorations. White lamps hung from the trees, casting a beautiful glow over the darkening area, and wooden wife chairs had been set up so that the pack members diff have to stand throughout the long ceremony.

Other beautiful decorations and tables holding food and drinks were scattered all over the place and I was feeling extremely grateful to whoever had arranged this.

"We thought that we would add some stuff, just to make the place more beautiful then it already is." Emily said, motioning to my mom and herself. I should have known that they had arranged this.

I smiled gratefully before untangling my hand from Xander's and giving the both of them right hugs.

"Thank you." I said as I stepped back. The two mothers smiled at me in return. I turned around just in time to see my friends coming up to us.

Lela and Perrie were quick to throw their arms around me and practically squeeze me to death in a hug. Chucking, I wrapped my arms around then and returned the hug.

"Hey guys." I greeted the happy girls and the rest of the guys, who were bro hugging Xander. Several 'hi' and 'hey's' were given and I smile when I recovered a few more hugs.

I had somehow made my way back to Xander's side as he and I talked to our friends and I noticed that Perrie had also returned to Blake. I couldn't help but to notice how Perrie seems to glow now that she found Blake and I also wondered if that is how I looked after I found Xander.

'You did.' Xander answered my thoughts and I then realized that I didn't have the mind block up. I was about to put the block up when I noticed that Xander was staring at me with puppy dog eyes, begging me not to lock him out of my mind, so with a sigh I rolled my eyes and let it drop.

The Way I Love YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora