Chapter Thirteen // Train Wreck Angel

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"Henry." Jennie sounded almost bored. "Henry. Oh, do answer me, Henry." Jennie had been standing there for a few minutes, poking at the boy who was staring absentminded at Bethany. When he still didn't answer her calls, Jennie sighed impatiently, straighten her spine, and spoke. "H-Henry, I do believe th-that I am bleeding, massive b-blood lost, death may-may be imminent!" Jennie tried to muster up all the tragedy in her voice, years of practice, when Isaac was tease her, and to make him swell with guilt, she'd fake a cry. 

 And as suspected, Henry sprang up, staggering a bit to hold his balance. "Miss Jennie, dear me, I must get bandages, oh blast, blast, blast! Sir-I mean, Isaac!" Henry began frantically looking anywhere but at Jennie, he stumbled out of the dining room, waving his arms like a mad hatter. "I must get bandages!" And with that, he was off. 

 A soft giggle rose behind Jennie, and she turned around, seeing Bethany, holding a basket of clothing in one hold, the other hand trying to sustain her  laughter. "Oh, I'm sorry Miss, I just couldn't hold my own laughter seeing his reaction." Bethany's giggling faded, and her eyes averted to the floor. Jennie could not help herself, but in a few quick steps, she was next to Bethany, and with two hands, took the handle of the basket away from Bethany. "But-but Miss-"

 "Come along now Bethany, we got some work to do." Jennie said, turning her back on Bethany, trying to hide a smile. 

 "Dear me, Miss, I cannot allow you to take my work, and damage your beautiful skin-" Bethany stammered.

 "Oh dear, Bethany. I'm afraid my name is not 'Miss', I do not know anyone with a name such as that. You can call me Jennie though, I'm quite sure that is my name." Jennie said, and with a nod of her, indicating that Bethany should follow her. 

 Bethany, letting out a sigh of defeat, shuffled her feet behind Jennie, walking a bit slower to fix the cap on her head. They were about to turn their way to the corridor before they were stopped by a frantic Isaac and a Henry, that seemed as if he was to cry. "Bethany, Bethany, oh dear, where is Jennie, is there a lot of blood-" Isaac began, looking around. Jennie wanted to scoff or snort in an unladylike manner. She was literally, standing right there. Sure, she was standing by the cast of shadows, but really now. 

 Henry cut Isaac off, waving a handful of bandages in the air. "I got bandages!" He shouted. And Bethany's shoulders were shaking from laughter.

 Finally having enough, Jennie step out of the shadows, stood there in front of Henry and Isaac, and blinked a few times. "Isaac, Henry, what on earth is the ruckus? I believe some of the maids are quite busy, Grandpa is busy in the garden, and Jules is off doing whatever of the sort, why are you two screaming like mad men?" Jennie played the role of innocence quite well. 

 For a moment, Isaac just stood there, blinking. His honey, gold hair was ruffled, making him look younger. His gray eyes were luminous and widen, and he was clearly in the middle of reading, a book of 'Wuthering Heights was in his hand, in the other was bandages, clearly torn apart. Henry, on the other hand, had his arms filled with bandages, his freckles on his nose were visible, and his eyes were wide and large.

 Isaac, dropped the bandages on the ground, and with his now free hand, pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dear me, Jennie. Must you?" He asked, clearly tired but he couldn't hide his amusement. Henry on the other hand, looked like he might burst into tears.

 "Miss Jennie, but you said - said that death was imminent, and you-you were crying." Henry stammered, looking at Jennie with wide eyes. Henry was always like another brother to her, too sweet and naive for his own good. 

 Jennie shrugged. "Oh, Henry, I had just wish for your attention, never mind that, both of you, go off now, shoo, shoo!" And Jennie left with her chin in the air, and Bethany shuffling nervously behind her.

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