Part 0: Everett.

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Everett Takahashi, Thats my name!  I've lived a normal everyday life as a Japanese American kid like me would've had, but it wasn't normal for long. And I don't really mean this as an entirely good thing but who am I to judge, but hey this is my story for all you other future heroes in the world. Maybe there is something you can learn from.

Anyway, I guess I should start with the beginning huh? It all started when I was six years old. I've always had a sudden shock spring up here or there when I was little but I always thought it was Static electricity. Little did I know that my "Quirk." Is what all the Commotion was all about.

*it started here, in elementary school.*

"Alright class it's time to start your projects. Tyler, you will work with Everett. Grab your pencil bag and your pair of scissors."

*I always loved class projects, I was a very outgoing kid never afraid of making new friends, well if they let me be their friend anyway. When Tyler first walked over he dropped his scissors half way over, when he sat down he noticed and we both stood up, I reached my hand out to grab it before he did to be a good friend. Little did I know that jolt of electricity came back.*

Everett, Tyler and the whole class watches as the scissors shook then sprung over to Everett's hand sticking on the palm like glue, magnetizing to his hand. Attempts to pull it away were in vain until Everett looked at his palm that the scissors were free to be picked up and not stopped by the magnetic force of Everett's hand.

*thats when all the fun started, all of the kids crowded me, it was a little freaky. But that's when I knew that I had powers... at the end of the day my father picked me up from school, I told him about what had happened and that I knew he was just as excited.*

Everett jumped in the passenger seat excited jumping with joy.

"DAD! Daddaddaddaddad! You're not gonna believe what just happened at school today!!"

Everett's Dad was smiling over his sons sudden burst of excitement.

"When I was doing a project my friend Tyler dropped his scissors and I went to pick them up, it was then that the scissors flew to my hand and got stuck like glue, or like how those magnets stick to the fridge!"

Everett's father was looking as if he had won the lottery, what was a innocent smile a father gives to his son was now a smile of a proud father seeing his own child ride a bike without training wheels.

"That's amazing sport! We need to tell your mother once we get home! I've had a very special plan for this very day!"

*I was moved into a new school after that for the rest of my elementary and middle school years, it was an interesting school a specially designed one for people like me, it was until it was time to go high school. When my parents little plan for me finally was about to begin.*

*This is the part of my life I call, Moving away from the Land of All.*

Everett, and his parents had their normal family meeting they would have once every month, normally it would go with Everett showing how far he progressed with his electrokinetic powers. But this time it was different, Everett's parents were usually excited for what they both had in store.

"Son, your mother and I have been talking and we think this is a great idea!"

"Oh?! What's that?"

*my parents handed me my mothers Graduation papers the school she went too was a Japanese school, called U.A. Specifically designed for people with gifted abilities and powers. Like the schools here but a little more famous.*

"When I was girl, my quirk was first shown to me, I was pretty much a living battery. And my parents signed me up to go to U.A! A school to teach kids with quirks how to be superheroes!"

*Im not gonna lie, I was ecstatic! I mean me?! A superhero school! Sounds like it was ripped straight from a comic book!*

"Gran Gran and Grandpa said that they would be more than happy to have you live with them for the school year!"

*wait... what?*

"What?. You're not coming with me?"

"We can't... believe me we want to go so badly... your father has been trying to pull strings but we just can't come with you. Do you want to think about it?"

*my mother really cared about me going to this school, I mean she left all of her family, her friends, all for me and my father. He was in the military and my mother was pregnant with me so, she had to go with him back to America, where I was born.*

"You both really want me to go huh?" I ask with sincerity in my voice.

"Yes, more than anything.. it's been years since gran gran saw you."

"I, I want to go. You guys have done so much for me."

Everett's father, put his hand on his sons shoulder.

"You're almost a man, I remember when MY father told me to either join the military or get out. And so I did both, I put my own life in my hands, little did I know the old cook was doing what was best for me, and that's how I met your mother son. I'm glad for both of you. Would like help packing? We could schedule a trip over before the school year. How does 4 months to get used to Japan sound?"

"Sounds perfect Dad."

*My parents were happy for my decision, I knew that they would be happy if I said yes or no. But there's something about their actions, body movements, it seemed like they knew I would say yes. That night we packed all my stuff I wanted to take, about a couple of weeks later, it was time for the flight to Japan.*

Everett boarded the plane, looking back to see his parents waving goodbye, and so did he.
Thank you all for reading the first chapter of my new story! I promise more will come soon.

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