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"fuck you are amazing." he said, taking off his shirt. i moved around his room, looking at all of the pictures he had on his walls.

"who's this?" i asked, picking up a picture with him, a boy that looks exactly like him and a girl.

"thats my brother grayson and sister cameron."

"you have a twin brother?" damn.

"yeah. here." he tossed me a black shirt.

"thanks." i took off my bra and skirt slowly, knowing he was watching me. i turned towards him and put the shirt on, smirking.

"fuck. stop that." he groaned.

i walked up to him and put my hands around his torso, rubbing up and down. "give me my underwear back then."

"fuck no, you're never getting those back." he smiled cheekily.

i playfully frowned, "i guess i'll just leave then."

he pulled me to him by his waist, kissing my neck. "you. are. not. going. anywhere. baby." he said between kisses.

"whatever you dork." i pushed him away.

he walked over to his bed, laying down. his hand motioned for me to come over, which i obliged. i got in, putting my back towards him. his arms snaked around my stomach and he kissed my shoulder. i pressed my back against him and it fell silent. "and i forgot to turn the lights off." he groaned.

"smooth." i lightly laughed.

i could feel movement behind me and the lights turn off. "there we go." his voice suddenly got raspy. his arms went around me again and i held onto one of his hands. his head went in the crook of my neck, using it as a pillow.

"goodnight, ethan." i sighed, closing my eyes.

"sweet dreams princess." he whispered, kissing my neck before we both drifted to sleep.


short chapter, yikes..

my friday was okay for once. and sorry i havent been updating school has stressed me out enough. but i was playing in a jv soccer game a few days ago and fractured my ankle. im lowkey really sad about it but i guess it happened for a reason. i didn't want to play spring league for soccer and my dad was being a bitch about it but now i can't play anyways so he can't be a bitch.


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