f o u r

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i huffed as the class ended and everyone starting slowly filing out of the room. i put my stuff in my bag and went up to mr. dolan's desk to get my phone back.

"can i have my phone?" i mumbled, avoiding eye contact by looking down.

"i don't know, do you deserve it?" i could feel his smirk present, making my eyes automatically roll. geez why does he smirk so much?

"yes, i pay for it every month, please may i have it back?"

"fine, don't use it again in my class." he threw it towards me and i barely got on my knees to catch it in time before it could hit the ground.

i huffed, standing back up. he stood up, looking like he was getting ready to leave and i mumbled under my breath when i got to the door, "asshole."

i barely pulled the door open before getting slammed against it, wincing in pain. "don't call me that." mr. dolan's voice boomed through the room.

i yelped in pain since his hand was digging into my rib and he immediately dropped me, stepping backwards. "i'll see you tomorrow, asshole." i rolled my eyes, trying to catch my breath as i left.

i quickly walked out of that hallway just in case he decided to keep communicating with me.

"so how was your first day with mr. dolan?" megan came into view as we walked to the cafe on campus.

"megan, he's that guy you saw at the bar."

"oh my god really?" she squealed.

"yeah." i opened the door to the food establishment, letting megan go in front of me.

"he's so hot."

"he hates me so much." i laughed.

"no he doesn't."

"yeah, he does." i decided to keep my mouth shut about what happened after class since it wouldn't be good for me.

"okay." she trailed off. "what do you want, i'll get it while you get a table."

"just get me a coffee with two shots, i'm really tired." i mumbled, going to pick a table.


"hey babe." braden pulled me into a hug. "just you?"

"yeah, megan wasn't feeling very well when we got home."

"she going to a party tonight?"

"ding ding ding." i smiled, going to sit in the bleachers.

"i'll see you afterwards, okay?" i nodded, sitting in the very top corner so i didn't have to talk to anyone.

it's starting to get dark and so cold that i can see my breath and all i'm wearing is a thin sweater to try to keep me warm. i went down a couple rows of seats to be able to see better but unfortunately, some people tried to sit by me out of pity. i told them i was fine because, well, i was but now it's getting annoying. i shiver, rubbing my arms for warmth while watching the boys throw footballs at each other. i don't get this sport much honestly. why do they have to be so competitive over a ball?

my face became red, mostly because it was cold as hell, but also because mr. dolan is staring at me from this side of the field. i'm assuming he's the new coach for the team since he's the only one with a clip board and he's telling them what to do.


"hey, how'd it go?" i asked, still shivering.

"i think it went well. the new coach is really cool to be honest." he smiled. "oh, here." he took a jacket out of his bag and put it around my shoulders.

"thank you." i smiled back at him.

"anytime. i'm going to go change, you gonna be okay?"

"yep." he ran off to the locker room while i walked back to the bleachers.

i sat down, bringing the warm jacket closer to me, looking at a picture someone posted online. the bench shook a little and i could feel a warm breath on my neck, indicating someone had just sat down next to me.

"may i help you?" i asked mr. dolan who was writing some stuff on his clip board.

"is he your boyfriend or something?" he looked straight ahead.

"um, i dont think you should be asking your students that kind of stuff." i let out a laugh.

"well, we're technically not in school."

realization hits me and i remember what happened early, instantly changing my mood. "it's none of your business anyways."

"oh okay." he let out a cold laugh standing up. my eyes trailed up to his head. his jaw was clenched and he looked mad. good.

mr. dolan ✦ e.d.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin