Chapter One- Friends & Foes

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*note: Dillon Grey has blue Ombre Hair!!!*

 Everyone dies a bit each day, it doesn't make sense why people are nicer to them in their last moments. Just because you know that they're going to die soon you shouldn't start being nice at that moment, you should have been nice to them your whole life. And If people realised they die each day i'm sure they wouldn't live the same boring life each day and become alive again. I do the unpredictable, and i love it. Maybe others don't but i don't care what they think of me, they can call me a Mess-up, or a TomBoy, or a Mistake, or a jokester, or a troublemaker. They can call me whatever they want because they don't know me, the real me. They don't know dillon gray because they don't bother to. They can make all the assumptions they want, i could care less. That's one reason why i don't hang out with girls they always judge you and talk about gossip and criticize you.

"Dillon, one of the twins is here! Spencer i think!" dad shouts from down stairs bring me out of my little rant.

"I'll be right down!" i shout back, i tie my blue hair into a messy bun and slipped on my grey sweatshirt i check myself quickly in the mirror admiring my black adidas sweat pants, my plain jane sweatshirt and my ombre hair tied on top of my head. I smiled, opening the door of my room i waved to spencer looking down. I skipped down the stairs and make my way to spencer and dad.

"Hey Dill!" spencer greets me with a small smile. I return it with a bright smile of my own.

"Hey! Bring your bike?" i ask him moving into the kitchen of our small house, i open the fridge to grab a root beer while spencer sits on the bar stool.

"Yeah, why?"

"Happy one stop?" i ask, i hand him a small bag of miss vickie's salt & vinegar chips.

"Thanks, maybe" he responds with a dull tone

"What's wrong? You and sam fought again?" i question his depressed figure walking to the bar stool beside him.

"Wow, you know me a little too well" he chuckled, i giggled but quickly responded

"Says the one who tracks my period!"i exclaim, i found out about a year ago that spencer tracks it for 'unnecessary violence' i mean i know i get pretty moody but violence? I don't think i'm that bad.

"For Unnecessary violence! I got a black eye and wyatt got a massive bruise on his side because we talked to you!"

"That was once. And i told you two to leave me alone." i say calmly, before spencer could speak i cut in "so spence, what is wrong?"


"So What was it this time?"

"Remember emma richards?"

"Yeah" how could i forget?

"Well sam and her are seeing each other, and since then sam has basically ignored me."

"Did you talk to him about it?"

"No. you know how that would turn out" spencer laughed "it's funny how francesca, Emma, Sam, wyatt and i all used to be friends. Turns out you were right about francesca the whole time. Thank god she moved back to B.C." a feeling emerged in my lower stomach and not a good one, i felt sick at the mention of that brat. All the things she did to us, the boys under her spell. It's been 3 years without her, three years of peace.

"Okay i need to burie all the memories you dug up and you need to forget about this so... i'll take you out on a 'date'. Movies?" i say doing finger quotes as i say date. I manage to make spencer smile at that

"Mission 'cheer spence up' is working!" i exclaimed trying not to laugh at myself.

"Sure, what movie?" i bit my lip from smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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