Carefully you picked your way around your broken possessions to your room where you were thankful you left your phone. How you were going to use it you weren't sure but you were glad you had one despite that.

But before you could enter your room you heard tires screech and doors slam followed by the sound of people running across your yard and around your house. You stood absolutely still, your eyes wide as you strained to pick up how many people were outside. You shook your head in despair. There were too many to tell.

A voice in your kitchen made you jump and hold the hammer tighter.


You walked out holding the hammer like more like a bat than a bomb. "Come any closer and I'll blow us all up."

A tall, handsome man walked around the corner to meet you, his eyes wide with concern as he held his hands up.

"No need to blow anyone up."

A second person came in, FBI on his vest as he pointed a gun at the ground.

"Blow up? Is she an accomplice, Reid?"

The tall one without a vest, Reid, shook his head. "She's the fifth victim. Luke, tell the others to stand down and to stay back, she is holding a bomb."

The Luke guy left leaving you with Reid. He took a step closer to you and looked you in the eyes.

"Are you hurt? Are you alright?"

You shook your head, holding out the hammer like it was going to bite you. "No, I'm not hurt but I'm not alright. My house was ransacked and I am holding a bomb and," your body shivered as your voice caught making Reid take a step closer, "he left pictures right over there of the other victims." You nodded in the direction of the four pictures, new tears springing to your eyes. "I don't want to be like them."

Reid ignored the pictures and focused solely on you. "Don't worry about the pictures right now. Just look at me ok?"

You nodded just as others started arriving, obviously not listening to being told to stay back. There were about six of them but you couldn't get a good look at them. An older man with a graying beard spoke up.

"My hands are starting to hurt," you said quietly but you knew Reid heard you.

"Do you think you can defuse it, Reid?"

Reid didn't look away from you as he stood just in front of you, his tall body shielding you from the others. "It looks like a simple release trigger. You can go ahead and take those pictures off the ground over there. I will also need duct tape."

You nodded to a closet beside the kitchen in the hallway. "I have some in there, third shelf, second box labeled tools."

Luke from earlier went to go get that as the older man from before grabbed the pictures. YOu watched him pick them up and you winced. Reid reached out and shielded your eyes from the pictures.

"Look at me alright?" He smiled as he took the tape from Luke, making you smile too but it felt more like a wince, "I need you to listen to me carefully and do as I say. I won't let you get hurt." He then directed you to your counter where he grabbed your arms and set your elbows down. "You just need to hold on for a little bit longer."

You nodded again, biting your lip. With nimble fingers, Reid undid the tape with a jarring 'wrrrr' sound. He looked you in the eyes and nodded in return.

"Okay, now, I am going to start by wrapping the tape around the head of the hammer then slowly make my way down to your hands. Ever so slightly you are going to slide your hands down as I wrap. The tape will hold down the handle until you no longer need to hold it."

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