"No, Miss Riddle. I have given you the benefit of the doubt that you will not follow in your father’s footsteps, and as proof of that, you are here today. Voldemort was thwarted in his plan to rise again, and it is all because of your choices."

"Sometimes I don't really know if I have any choices, I just do things and end up paying for them," I confessed.

"You know you are making the right choice when it is no choice at all," Dumbledore went on, "The choice to save a life, the choice to end a life and the choice to tell the truth, we are all faced with these, but they matter little compared to what you think is best."

"Uh... yeah." I couldn't think of anything else to say. What could I say? I was more confused than a drunken troll.

“You must of course be wondering what has happened to the Philosopher’s Stone?” asked Dumbledore, casually unwrapping one of my chocolate frogs.

“Maybe. Do I want to hear what happened?”

“It does concern you deeply.”

I sighed. “Okay.”

“Before I continue, there is something you must see.” Dumbledore grabbed my hand and held my little finger towards me. I leaned away, trying to keep it in focus.

There was a small mark upon it, shaped like a tiny star on the tip of my finger, red as blood. Red as the Philosopher’s Stone.

“You cut your hand on the edge of the stone, and the moment it touched your blood, it was absorbed into you. It disappeared, but its power still flows through your veins.

“This is a magic unheard of before. I do not know what the consequences will be, but I think we can assume that its original purpose can be harnessed only by you. Controlling it’s power, you should be more than able to turn any metal you wish into gold, and, as long as you are killed by an unnatural event, you are immortal.”

“Immortal,” I repeated in shock staring at my hand. This shouldn’t be possible, couldn’t be possible. But I knew deep down inside me that it was true. I turned over my hand, examining the back. I would never age, my skin would never wither, and I would never die.  Normally that would be great for any other girl, staying young and beautiful forever, but for me it was awful.

“I have told Mr Potter that I am going to destroy it, and I think that it’s best if he believes it is that way. I do not know of any possible reversal of the spell, Rhya, you will stay this way forever.” He glanced at the watch on his wrist and stood. “I am afraid that I must go now, and make a speech for the end of year feast. You will be glad to know that Griffindor have won the house cup. Or will win, at any rate.”

Dumbledore began to walk towards the door. As he was closing it I called out, “What about the bond? I don’t want Harry reading my thoughts!”

Dumbledore looked over his spectacles at me. “I would try Occlumency, Miss Riddle.” And then he was gone.

I sighed and lay back on my pillows. Talk about a confusing conversation. What the hell was Occluminousy- or whatever it was?

The Riddle Twinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें