The Midnight Duel

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I heard screams from behind me and Draco and Marcal cheering me on, above the air rushing past my face.

And then I pulled up, feeling the weightlessness I felt every time I did this. Only the upper torso and up could be seen of me as I rose into the air, the rest of me was just smoke like my lower body had just melted into it. It was dark black smoke, not the grey stuff you could see through.

I looked up to see everyone gaping at me (again) their mouths open in silent screams.

“I told you that this was flying,” I said conversationally to Pansy acting as though this was a normal everyday thing (for me it was).

Amazingly by the end of the day I hadn’t been expelled or even had a detention. Professor Mc Gonnigal had come over several times telling me if there was another incident like that I would be having extra classes on controlling my magic.

Harry, Ron and I were sitting at the table when Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and my brother walked over.

“Having a last meal before the train Potter?” Draco drawled while Crabbe and Goyle sniggered.

“You’re not so cocky now you’re on the ground with your little friends I see,” said Potter. Marcal and I snorted in unison at the fact Crabbe and Goyle had been called little.

“I could take you on anytime by myself. How about tonight, wizards Duel, no contact?” Draco said, recovering himself. Potter looked confused. "What’s wrong? Never heard of a wizards duel before I suppose?”

“’Course he has,” said Ron. “I’m his second. Who’s yours?”

“Marcal,” said Draco instantly. “Well then trophy room at midnight.”

“And I’ll verse you then Rhya, see how well you really are.” Pansy had appeared at my brother's shoulder.

I looked up eagerly thinking, yes! Finally an excuse to kill her!

“NO!” yelled Marcal and Draco attempting to drag her off before she sentenced herself to death.

“Madonna’s my second who are you going to need?” she yelled at me, struggling against the boys.

“I don’t need anybody. I just need a camera so I can remember your bloody face before they bury you!” I shouted as Crabbe and Goyle dragged her away. Marcal and Draco however stayed.

“Is there any other reason why you’re still bothering us?” Ron asked rudely.

“No blood-traitor,“ Draco spat.

“This is for you” Marcal told me, handing me a handsomely wrapped package and a letter. I watched them stalk off before I ripped open the parcel first.

“Whoa!” said everyone who saw what fell on to my lap. There was gold and a silver snake studded with emeralds. Their tails were entwined so if you moved them apart a bit you could slip them over your neck and have a necklace.

I then look at the letter

Dear Rhya

We’re so happy to see you at Hogwarts. Lucius wishes to send his apologies and I am pleased to say that you are more than welcome to stay at the manor permanently. I hope you like the gift it reminded me so much of you it would be a waste not to buy it. Draco has told me you have been sorted into Gryffindor, but the sorting hat is always a bit dodgy.

Please forgive us, yours sincerely,

Aunt Narcissa and Uncle Lucius.

More than welcome!” I snorted.

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