The Multi-Personality Chapter

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 Marcal's POV

 I took the steps up to the Entrance Hall three at a time, eager to share my master prank with Rhya. I had always had the niggling suspicion that I was brilliant, but this master piece proved it to me. It was the perfect prank for Rhya, Draco and I to execute. It allowed Rhya revenge on Severus Snape and left Draco and I Scott- free.

The plan was -in the following order-, sneak into Snape's office and trash the place up, try and find something worthwhile to nick, then get out of there and leave a Lightning Bolt on the wall. Snape would suspect Potter, and we would be the most popular of Slytherins!

Potter was already in enough trouble from the whole dragon affair, leaving our house with the most points. Rhya had already confirmed to me that Potter did actually have a dragon. A fact Draco was very confused and angry about.

Finally I reached the Hall, only to see Rhya walking out the double doors with Potter, Weasley and the mud blood. What had happened to my sister? Walking beside a mud blood? Something was wrong, I wondered if I should have, I don't know, spent more time with her. No, we'd spent most of our lives together, it was impossible for us to spend more time together without going insane.

"Rhya!" I called out, my voice making a whip like crack through the hall, "RHYA!!!"

Still unable to hear -or probably ignoring- me, she continued walking out onto the steps. Grrr... She was irritating. "RHY- AAARRGGGHHHH!!!!" I yelled as a hand wrapped around my mouth and pulled me into the shadows.

 Rhya's POV

 I jerked to a sudden stop as I felt something coil tight around my face, like a vice. It pulled me stumbling backwards, and when I blinked, nothing was there. Only the concerned faces of Harry, Ron and Hermione, watching me struggle against an imaginary attacker. But it couldn't have been imaginary, I definitely had felt a hand over my mouth, and something had been dragged back, but why then was I still standing where I had been before?

Marcal. Of course! It had happened to him, and whatever it was, the terror had drove his thoughts into my head.

Without an explanation, I took off running up the marble staircase, following the feeling of my twin. I swung round the banister, and headed for the third floor.

The feeling took me through places I had previously thought were walls –but were actually hidden doors-, windows that lead to winding staircases and through tapestries that were hiding openings. Finally, I reached the third floor, where the door there was a jar. Not thinking twice, I strode in, casting my eyes around for my brother. When my eyes adjusted to the gloom of the unlit corridor, I realised that I was in the forbidden corridor, the one containing the three headed dog!

The door magically slammed shut as soon as I left the doorway, and before the light shut out I caught a glimpse of the trapdoor wide open. Then a massive paw swung out and knocked me to the ground.

Harry’s POV

 We stood there looking stunned as Rhya fled, taking the steps two at a time, then disappear, before anyone said anything.

Finally I supplied, “This stinks of Snape.”

“Why,” Hermione asked, “Would you think that? She probably forgot her books or something.”

“On a Sunday? Hermione, Rhya’s going up the stairs that lead to the third-floor corridor! I bet it was some spell of Snape’s, meant to lure her off! I heard her say “Marcal” before she left, and remember, he was lurking outside the forest when I saw Snape with Quirrel!”

Hermione persisted, “But Harry! We’ve done enough damage already, you said it yourself. We can lose our house anymore points!”

My temper finally blew. “Hermione! If Snape and Marcal are plotting to bring back Voldemort –yes, I said his name! - then it will be our lives at stake!”

“Harry, you should hear yourself! Plotting? Marcal is our age, I know he’s a Slytherin, but you’re being paranoid! See, I’ll prove Snape isn’t up there, he’s here in the Great Hall!” Hermione gestured to the Staff Table, where Snape’s seat was absent. A side door leading from the table was left open.

“Hermione, if I’m wrong I owe you a galleon, you too Ron. Please, trust me, I’m going to the third floor corridor, I’ll try and,” I drew a shaky breathe, “Head him off. You guys get need to get Dumbledore!”

“Oh, Harry, please be careful, if you’re wrong, then we will be in so much trouble!”

“And I’ll take you up on that galleon,” Ron added.

By the time I reached the Third floor corridor, I had a stitch on either side and was forced to lope panting into the doorway. I immediately stood straight as I saw what was inside.

Rhya was sprawled unconscious on the ground, the monstrous dog standing over her, growling. “Bad Fluffy!” I roared, instantly feeling stupid, and the dog’s growls grew fiercer. Racking my brains to think of what Hagrid had said about Fluffy, I recalled him mentioning that it fell asleep to the sound of music. With no instrument, and Rhya’s life at stake, I quoted one of the few songs I knew, “Here Diddle Diddle, the cat played the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moooon. The dog laughed to see such fun, and the dish ran away with the spoon!”

Repeating the song, I watched Fluffy’s three head’s yawn in unison and collapse into a sleep. Dragging Rhya out through the door, I slammed it shut and shoved the bolt across.

Turning to Rhya, I slapped her face, asking her to wake up. “Wake up Rhya! Please, wake up!”

She stayed stubbornly unconscious and the though rampaged through my head, RHYA! WAKE UP!

 Rhya’s POV


The though screamed in my mind and I instantly sat bolt upright, clashing heads with Harry. What was that?

Yes, I know, long time no upload. I am sooooooo sorry about that, but you must believe me when I say that I really did mean to upload. But here it is and I'm writing the next chappie presently. Thanks so much for waiting all this time!!!

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