Chapter 16

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Tina's eyes blinked against the light. She tilted her chin up slightly to look at Newt. His head was resting against hers and he was fast asleep. Not wanting to wake him up, she buried her face back into his shirt and tried to go back to sleep.

A few minutes later, she felt his head lift off of hers. She looked up at him. He smiled. "Good morning. Did I wake you up?"

She shook her head. "I was already awake," she said quietly.

"I wasn't supposed to fall asleep. We've missed the best time to get the case."

"Don't you think that they'd have expected us to come at night? We'll probably be less likely to be spotted now that it's day. It's pretty dark in the building anyway," Tina whispered.

"I guess you're right," Newt said. "We'd better get going then."

Newt moved to the other side of the platform and created a ladder. He climbed down it and Tina followed after him. He waved his wand and the platform and ladder vanished.

Newt wrapped his left arm around Tina. He whispered into her ear, "Stay close to me."

Tina nodded and let a small smile creep onto her face. He's never been so protective of me before. It's like he's afraid to lose me.

He nearly did lose you. It proves he still loves you.

But why can't he just admit that he loves me?

You could tell him you love him.

Tina's smile faded and was replaced by a frown.

I don't think I can do that.

Yes, you can, Tina.

Tina looked up and saw the large building in the distance. Newt led her to the entrance. They slipped in and started creeping along the corridors. 

"Where is everyone?" Newt whispered.

Tina pulled out her wand. She silently cast a spell. 

"That's odd," Tina muttered. 


"Everyone is in one place. They haven't even bothered putting guards."

"Well, they don't really need them. It's pretty much impossible to get here."

"Yet here we are," Tina murmured.

"We should go towards where the people are. That's where we'll find my case. Where are they?"

Tina led him through the building to where her spell had revealed the mass of people. They found a large room with hundreds of people sitting facing a stage. The tall man was standing on the stage talking to Norton. A small table sat in the middle of the stage and a black cloth hung around the top of it. A black curtain hung behind the stage.

"I bet that my case is on that table," Newt whispered. "Let's get around to the back."

Tina followed Newt around till they found a door in the wall. Newt cast a silencing charm and reached for the doorknob. "I don't know what this is going to open up to but it should be black cloth. If we're seen, I'll grab my case and we'll run. OK?

Tina nodded. I hope this doesn't go wrong. 

Newt opened the door. They found themselves in dim space that was separated from the rest of the room by the black curtain. Newt crept towards it. He found a gap where two curtains met and peeked through. Tina moved to join him. She peered through the gap and saw Newt's case sitting on the table. The black cloth that covered it didn't close completely in the back.

"I'm going to get it. When I have it, we run," Newt said as he pulled out his wand. "Accio."

The case flew to Newt's hand. Tina heard a shout and Newt grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the door. They ran through the corridors. Tina heard shouts and footsteps behind them. Newt pulled her to the side just as a spell shot past her. 

They found a dark corner and they hid as the people ran past. Tina watched Newt as he looked out and tried to decide when it would be safe to run.

You should tell him. You might not make it out of here. Just tell him.

Tina inhaled slowly. "Newt, can I tell you something?" she whispered.

Newt turned to her. "Yes, what is it?"

Tina felt herself turning pink. "I -- I don't know how to say this. I --"

Just then there was a shout. Newt grabbed Tina's hand again and started running. They found an exit to the building and they slipped out. They started running, hoping to make it to the gorge as soon as possible. 

Tina looked behind them and saw a group of about seven witches and wizards chasing after them. Newt stopped abruptly and pulled on Tina to make her stop as well. 

"Mercy Lewis, that was too close," Tina muttered as she looked over the edge of the cliff. "What are we going to do now?"

"Tina, look at me," Newt said. She turned to face him. "We're going to have to jump."

"Off the cliff?" she asked in a panicked whisper. 

"Yes, Tina. We should be able to jump out of the boundary then we can apparate away. You've apparated off of buildings before."

"But what if it doesn't work?"

"I won't let you hit the bottom. I won't let you fall, Tina. I'll never let you fall."

Tina glanced at the people who were rapidly catching up. She turned back to Newt and nodded slowly.

"Alright. Let's go."

They turned back to the cliff, ran towards it, and jumped. As they flew through the air, Tina felt them disapparate and was relieved to feel solid ground under her feet.

Newt set his case down on the ground and wrapped his arms around Tina. She rested her head against his chest. Tears were streaming down her face and she struggled to calm her breathing. 

Newt lifted Tina's chin and gazed into her eyes.

"I told you it would work," Newt said smiling.

Tina smiled back at him. Tell him.

Newt was still staring at her. He seemed to be trying to decide on something. The decision he made shocked Tina. He leaned forward and kissed her gently. She stiffened in surprise. He does love me. Newt pulled back, picked up his case, and turned to leave.

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