Chapter 11

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Newt and Tina's conversation was interrupted by a sharp tap on the window. They both turned to look. Tina stood up and walked over to it. She unlatched it and slid it up. An owl fluttered in and landed on Newt's shoulder. Newt took the letter it was carrying and pulled a treat out of his pocket. The owl snatched it up then flew off. 

"Who's it for?" Tina asked as she came back to the couch.

Newt turned the letter over. He paled slightly. "It's for me."

Why now? Why couldn't it have gotten to me yesterday, Newt thought as he opened it slowly and began to read it. 

Dear Newt,

I hope you're still in the country. I was wondering if we could get lunch or dinner so we could catch up. I enjoyed seeing you in London and I hope you'll write this time.

Leta Lestrange

"What's wrong?" Tina asked.

"Nothing," Newt lied.

He folded up the letter and slipped it back into its envelope. He moved to put it in his pocket but it flew out of his hands.

"Tina, please . . ." Newt started but Tina had already pulled the letter out and was reading it. She frowned.

"I saw Leta at my book signing. She wanted me to sign a book and, well, she asked if we could find time to chat," Newt said. "I haven't seen her since then." Why am I telling Tina this? It's not like she cares if I see Leta or not. Does she?

"Well," Tina said, "are you going to write?"

"No," Newt sighed. "I haven't written a single letter to her in years."

"It's rude not to write back."

Newt looked up at Tina. She can't really love me if she's encouraging me to write to Leta. Does she really care so little for me that she wants me to be with another woman?

"Well?" Tina asked.

"I'm not writing to her."

Newt noticed Tina's frown vanish slowly. Maybe she was hoping that I'd refuse to write. Maybe she does love me, or at least care for me a bit.

"I have an idea," Tina said grinning. She jumped up and moved to the other side of the room where she pulled out some parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink. 

She sat back down and began to write. When she was done she handed it to Newt who read it through.

Ms. Lestrange

I regret to inform you that Mr. Scamander is currently out of the country. I do not know his current whereabouts so I will be unable to deliver your letter to him. I do not know when he will return, either. I will notify you when he returns. Until then, please do not write back as I have a lot of letters to deal with.

Porpentina Goldstein
Newt Scamander's secretary 

Newt couldn't help laughing. Maybe she does care for me after all. "I wonder what she'll think when she figures out that Porpentina Goldstein is the same Tina Goldstein that my book wouldn't exist without."

"So you're going to send it?"

"Of course," Newt laughed. "I only wish I could see her reaction."

"Did she ask about me?" 

"Well, she asked about the dedication and I told her that you three had helped me get information for the book."

Tina smiled but her smile slowly turned to a frown.

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