Chapter 13

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FINALLY!!! I'm so sorry my loves!~ Thank you for understanding that I'm going through a struggle atm. Forgive me!~🙏🏻

Taehyung's POV

I went over to the, Miss', as they call her because I wanted to know about this place.

After I was done talking then I'll go to the park with Namjoon and the kids.

"Ms. Hanyeol, may I spend some time with you to discuss about your orphanage?" I asked her as I was walking down the hallway that had a sign "Main Office".

I saw her stop and turn around.

"Alright sweetheart, follow me." She then turned around and started walking to the office. I followed.

At the end of the hallway was the office. She sat down in her chair, I sat across from her desk.

"The orphanage has been up since 1983. As a young adult my parents build this orphanage simply because my mother was an orphan her whole life. So she didn't want anyone to witness what she did her life.

But sadly they were getting older and older. So what they wanted me to do was take over." She took a deep breath in and continued.

"At first I opposed. I didn't want anything to do with children because I had none of my own. I didn't know how to take care of them.

That was until I met a girl. She was 17, her name was Crystal An-Sii.

She was crying and as I was 18 I wanted to help her.

I talked to her and learned it was her first day here and she lost her parents in a car crash. She was the only one that survived.

We got closer and I felt as if I had a sister. I learned she was gay and that her parents were in the car driving Crystal to her Aunts so she could be taken care of there.

But her whole family was homophobic. So no one took her in.

My family and I treated her like my sister.

She persuaded me into taken over the orphanage at the age of 27, she was 26 and living in her own.

Sadly we found out she was taken drugs and she had a heart problem and died.

So I did what she asked me to. I took over the orphanage as it was her last wish to me before she left and I didn't see her for awhile. Then she was dead."

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I said to her. I stood up and hugged her. She hugged back while still sitting.

"Anyways. I was taking over the orphanage for all this time. However during the summer of last year we had a fire in the kitchen and it was destroyed. We had to replace everything there was inside and around it. It cost us thousands of dollars and we couldn't pay off our monthly bills.

So we slowly went into debt. So that's why your here. Namjoon I've know for most of his life. And we still kept in contact even after being adopted by a family.

You are here because you care about Namjoon, he cares about the orphanage and the children inside of it." She exclaimed.

She wasn't wrong. I wanted to help because Namjoon said this was his home.

"Thank you for all this information. I will help as much as I can." I say to her as I got up from my chair and shook her hand.

"I know you will. I appreciate everything you plan to do. I hope o gave you enough information." She said. I nodded.

"Well then, let's head out." She smiled softly to me and escorted me out.

She stayed in the office and closed the door.

I sighed. Okay fine to go to the park.

I haven't been there since I met that bunny boy when I was young.

Jungkook's POV

We walked to the park.

I didn't want to be here.

After waiting weeks and weeks after I met that guy as a kid and he never showed?

No thanks.

The kids all started playing tag.

It was cute to watch as the younger ones would hide behind the oldest because they are bigger than them.

Meanwhile Eomma and Oppa we're watching from a bench. The bench was across the slides inside the park.

I, however went to the one place I went to as a child.

I went to where I met him. At first I didn't want to go there. But I knew I would have to get over him eventually. Even though it would be hard. I was well aware of that.

I sat down in the damp grass and put my head on my knees and my arms around them.

Now I just sat........

And waiting, for something.....

But in the end, I gave up and cried my eyes out.

"Hey, you okay?"

[DISCONTINUED] Falling For Him (Taekook/Vkook Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now