"So we are having another round of your bullshit theories, Sardar ji. He could have someone of his own if you stop being a villain in his simple story. Why don't you accept it once and for all that it's your big fat ego which is clouding your heart," Sahiba argued sharply. Her steps hastened and Colonel got worried for her hurt knee. 

"This is bullshit. I can't believe that's how you see it," Colonel was furious as well. 

"I am simply doing it to keep him out of trouble. Madhav would ruin his career, I know. This little infatuation would cost Manik his commission," He said believing in it genuinely. 

"And what about Nandini?" Sahiba asked. 

"That girl regards you so much and you spoke so ill of her to her father. What's her fault in it?" She demanded lividly. 

"I told you that I said all that in heat of moment. I never meant those words. Stop making me a villain here when I am not. If anyone is villain here, that is Madhav Murthy," Colonel was out to defend himself to end. 

Sahiba stopped and turned around finally to meet eyes of her unreasonable husband. Colonel's face blanked instantly as she peeped into his eyes. 

"You are an equal wrong, Singh," She told gravely. Both didn't spoke but kept looking at each other in utter fury. 


Manik had found himself a dark and quiet place since last one hour. He was sitting on doorstep of a closed room. No one wandered there at this hour and that was all he needed. He needed to calm himself so that he could produce something sensible to tackle the situation. He and anger weren't best of pals. He didn't know when was the last time ire had caused this much turbulence to him. He sighed deep not wanting to keep fanning his fury. His ears caught bits of some heated argument and his eyes instinctively roamed to find the source. He found vague glimpse of a couple walking in garden. He looked closely and realized it was Colonel Singh and his wife. Manik's eyes relaxed and he rose to his feet. They were heading towards him and he found it right to talk what was eating his mind. 

"You are an equal wrong, Singh"

Manik's words stopped in his throat as he heard Mrs Singh talk so furiously. He had become an audience of their argument unnecessarily. Manik moved to leave and that's when couple broke their heated eye-lock. 


Mrs Singh's call made him turn around. She was looking at him worriedly. Colonel had a hard expression on his face. 

"You fine, son?" She asked walking towards him. Manik smiled even when his mind was racing the horses of restlessness. She was always like a mother to him. 

"I am fine, Ma'am," Manik replied and then stole a glance of Colonel Singh. He was looking at soil beneath and looked to be in some thought. 

"Sir," He called not ignoring the call of his heart. 

Colonel looked at him at once and found something very strong but new in Manik's eyes. That boy was always courteous no matter what shit was thrown on him. But that day, his eyes held something else..maybe questions. 

"Yes," Colonel replied anyway. 

"I want to ask something," Manik formed his words sincerely. 

"Go ahead," Colonel allowed even when his mind was screaming against it. 

"Why won't I get consent to go out even when I have performed all my tasks good?" Manik asked and Colonel was fearing how this question was coming since he had told Major Khan to hold back Manik's rights to go out on weekends. 

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