Stage Two Obsessions

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Stage Two Obsessions. 

I could just imagine the celebrations that would occur once my mission was fulfilled, the parties. The balls, all of it. I would be a legend, and Queen of Killing. The Assassination Queen --- I was getting far too excited for all this. If my concentration wavered, so would my mission. I needed to keep focused. 

Keep in control, Emile. Keep it controlled. 

My bed was beginning to get colder, and nothing I did could create warmth. I wrapped the only blanket on the mattress around me, shivering as I sat against the wall, breathing clouds of mist into the icy midnight air. 

Matilda was snoring gently in the cot next to me. Her shoulders moving slightly back and forth, it made me wonder what life would be like without her. She just seemed so familiar. I was at the finish line, and I’d crush her by leaving -- it almost made me feel sad. 

“Emile,” someone whispered at the door, I looked to Jyhanna. She was the youngest of us all, she was a short, blonde haired eight year old with a calm temperament. Which was so weird to see around all these angry maids.“The King continues to ask for you, maybe you should go see him?” 

“Now?” I asked. Already attempting to calm myself down. The mission’s finish line was so close I could taste the victory. 

“Yes, Emile.” Then she cocked a finger out, and gestured for me to follow her. The little girl was off in the corridors before I could blink twice. I followed her, shivering as I wrapped the blanket around me tighter as I walked.

I was at that familiar stretch, the bedquarters. The corridors were becoming slimmer and slimmer, then they burst out in a warm red glow. The King’s room was right in front of me, my victory was right before my eyes. 

There was a low growling coming from inside the room, one that made Jyhanna shiver. I put a hand on her back and lowered myself until we were both at eye level with each other. 

“You can go, sweetie.” I said, trying to keep my voice low and controlled, “I’ll see you at the markets in the morning.” 

She nodded with a small smile on her face, thankful for me letting her go. She then turned and disappeared into the gloomy thin hallways. 

I swallowed and stood up straight, locking eyes with the two guards at the door. They were standing there, with their knifes and guns strapped to their waists. I nodded at them. Like they were expecting me to, they both placed their hands on the door and pushed it open. 

The King was feverish, I doubt I’ve seen anyone so stressed. His hair was sticking up on end, his hands were shaking and he was pacing the bed. 

“What the hell do you want!” He screamed, not looking towards the door. 

“I was told that you wanted me here,” I said, making sure to keep my voice low. So low that only he could here as the door shut behind me. His eyes raced up, locked with mine and the growl that came from the back of his throat was hardly human. I couldn’t help but feel a little proud about the reaction that came over him. 

He just swayed for a little, before opening his mouth and breathing out, “Emile.” 


Poison Paradise (R Rated)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora