2. Quidditch World Cup Tournament.

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"I can't believe it's been a year already." Hermione said smiling as we walked to Ron's front porch. Ron's father, Arthur, invited us to join him in watching Quidditch World Cup tournament.

I've never seen one before and it excites me but is scary at the same time. I've never joined in a wizarding event before. Peter might be lurking around and find me.

I feel safer being with my friends though, and after everyone that happened last year with Harry and us all, I doubt he'll show his face around any huge event like this.

We walked in and I smiled at the feeling of love and being home that echoed through this house. This is a real family, and I'm happy I'm apart of it. I nearly let myself wonder what would happen if they knew, but I quickly brushed those thoughts away.

I saw Ron's mother, Molly, was whipping up breakfast. "Hello darlings!" She said full of energy and excitement as she hugged us. She's such a loving women. "Now Hermione dear, would you wake the boys and Zella would you set the table for me. Breakfast is done." She said turning her attention back to the food. It smelt so good.

We both nodded and I began setting the plates out with spoons and forks. All the needed essentials. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and smiled. Ron, he saw me and smiled. We hugged each other. "A bloody year it's been." He said into my neck. "My thoughts exactly." I said laughing.

We broke apart and then he set his eyes on his mother who was putting our servings on our plates. "Don't you dare Ronald Weasley! You'll wait for everyone else." She strongly enforced. Ron sighed and turned to the stairs as more footsteps were heard.

"Harry!" I shouted seeing my friend. I hugged him for a short moment and we smiled as we pulled apart. "Did you come in with Hermione?" He asked. I nodded. As others began coming down we all began eating.


After we all finished eating we began the walk. Arthur had luggage on his back. Only Hermione and I know where we're going. Arthur let it slip to us but wants to surprise the boys, so the don't know. We've been walking for a while and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were grouped in the back.

"Where are we actually going?" Harry finally asked. Hermione and I both shrugged. "Don't know. Hey Dad! Where are we going?" Ron asked. I hid my smile. "Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" He quickly changed the subject.

In the distance after a few more minutes we saw an old man. He wore a hat and a bags as Arthur did. "Arthur! It's about time son." He walked to us. He was with a young boy. His son I assume. We reached then and Arthur hugged the man and laughed. As they pulled apart Arthur began talking.

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur asked as he introduced. "Yes sir." Cedric answered as he shook Arthur's hand.

He smiled and nodded at the rest of us. We did it back. Amos' eyes fell on us and he smiled. "Merlin's beard, you must be Harry Potter." He said amazed. Amos stepped closer to Harry.

"Yes sir." Harry responded "Great great pleasure." Amos said extending his hand. They shake hands kindly. "Pleasure to meet you too sir." Harry said. Cedric caught my eye and he began leading us up a hill.

"That's it, just over there." Arthur called to us. Amos nodded. "Shall we? We don't want to be late." Finally I saw it. An old looking boot on top of the hillside. A portkey. "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked me as everyone began getting around it.

Fred answered before I could. " That isn't just any old manky boot mate." He said. "It's a portkey." George and I said we the same time and smiled at each other. We bump fist and I laughed lightly. Now everyone is in the circle putting their hands on the boot.

"Time to go. Ready?" Amos asked we nodded except Harry. "What's a portkey?" He asked cluelessly. "After three, one, two-" Amos started counting. "Harry. Grab it." I said quickly. Harry rushes over and puts his hand on the boot.


There's a white flash and suddenly we're all flying through the air. I hear everyone cheering.

"Let go kids!" Arthur shouted. I remember learning about portkeys. "What?" Herminoe asked frazzled. "Let go!" I shouted as I did so myself.

Harry, Hermione and the young Weasleys crash to the ground with a thump. They didn't know how to land.

Arthur, Amos, Cedric, and I come down more gracefully. I smiled at them. "How did you know how to do that?" Ron asked. "I study." I answered honestly. "I bet that cleared your sinuses eh?" Arther joked.

I walked over to help Hermione up. Ron got up himself and Cedric helped Harry to his feet.

We walk across the field and we see there's a massive crowd gathered and cheering, tents are set up all over. Everyone's eyes lit up with excitement. "Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Arther announced.

We walk into the crowd, taking in the sights. Music is playing and people fly about overhead on brooms. We approach a small tent. "Parting of the waves I think old chap, see you at the match." Amos said smiling Amos and Cedric separate and walk off. We all say our goodbyes.

"Home sweet home." Arthur mumbled.

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