Chapter One: The Institution

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A castle in a secluded area, far off from the areas inhabited by humans. The island on which the castle was located, Pelios, was under a powerful spell. Three of the world's best illusion warlock had cast an illusion wall along the edges of the island. Human ships, passing the island, just see risen ground in the ocean and avoid the area. The institution is under the power of the warlock council and, in particular, Mr Robert Thorne. Pelios is a large island; there are forests surrounding the castle. The trees are mainly oak and spruce, but there are also special trees that are used for potions. The main area of the castle is in the centre. That is where the general training happens. Behind that, the lunch quarters can be found. The entirety of the left wing is where the female dorms are located. The male dorms are located in the right wing. There are multiple rooms in the upper central area of the castle. Each room is designed to suit a certain type of warlock. There are a number of small towns on Pelios. The young warlocks will be taken to visit these villages sometimes, so that they don't feel trapped inside the program but remain protected.

It was early September when the young warlocks were collected and brought to the institution. The Thorne children, Evan, Malachi and Destiny, were the first to arrive. This was mainly because their father was head of the institution. Evan was less than happy to enter his new 'home'. He was even less happy to meet the realisation that he would be stuck here for a full year. Although it could be worse, his younger sister had to stay for four whole years. He entered the main hall. His bags had already been delivered to his room. He wore a black, baggy vest and black jeans. He had a lack of care towards being there, so he hadn't straightened or styled his hair. The curls made his hair sit nicely out of his olive green eyes. Behind Evan, entered Malachi Thorne. He was more excited for the program than Evan. He saw it as an opertunity to meet lots of young warlocks, like himself. He wore a pair of tight, periwinkle jeans with a baby pink, jumper like shirt. His hair was styled, as usual. He wore only foundation instead of a full face of make up; he didn't have much time that morning. He was about to begin looking around the main training hall when he was pushed out of the way by a gust of air. Destiny was clearly the most excited to be attending the program. She apologised to her brother, whom she had gush to the ground in her excitement, and aided him back onto his feet. Destiny wore a purple, laced dress. She had on a white scarf atop it, to cover her gills.

Next in were the Ira twins. Taking one look at them, you would know that they weren't ones to mess with. Both of them had a certain aura about them that would make the more shy warlocks tremble. Both had their wings on display. The wings really stood out against the dark coloured clothing they both wore. Lilliana was wearing black jeans and a black shirt that read 'B****, I'll burn you alive'. Lucifer also wore black jeans. He wore an open, black jacket. His abs were on show, as usual. Both twins had a habit of being players and neither of them really valued love. Their father wasn't known to them, as their mother only 'bred' with him to further the warlock population. Lily and Lucifer saw relationships like a game. They immediately moved to the training area, where they began to spar. They didn't stop to greet the other students. None of the Thorne children caught their eyes.

Flora Lou walked in, alone. She wore a cream dress that had flowers on it. Around her neck, she wore a silver locket. Inside the locket, she kept a photo of her family. She was upset that she wouldn't see them for three years, but happy that she could send letter to them. She felt shy to approach another warlock, as she had never met one before. She hoped that they would be similar to human children, as she was okay talking to them.

A young warlock, named Liam Carter, entered the room with a slight smile on his face. He wore a white shirt, with a leather jacket atop it. He also had on a pair of black, skinny jeans and black, hightop converses. He had decided to stand in the black of the training room, by the doors to the lunch hall. He knew no one, nor anything about the people around him. He received a smile from Lilliana in between the blows she was throwing at, and receiving from, her brother.

Krista was sitting on a central bench in the training room. She had a grim look to her face, possibly due to the nerves of being around so many new people. Her beautiful, brown hair was neatly braided. She wore a red, knee-high skirt; a tight, black shirt; red tights and red earrings. Her outfit was coordinated, as it nearly always was.

Clara entered the training room wearing black, ripped jeans. She also had on black shoes, a black tank top and a black vest. She took a deep breath in as she studied the room an d the people around her. She noticed that most people, that were due to arrive that day, had arrived prier to her own arrival. She decided to sit down on another of the central benches. She didn't sit with the other girl. As she sat, she played with her finger. She waited an announcement telling her what she should do next.

Finally, Michael walked inside. He wore blue jeans and a white shirt. He, along with Flora and Malachi, were a contrast to the darker and deeper colours around them. He looked around and raised an eyebrow as he checked each person. He decided against socialising and instead positioned himself so that he was propped up against a wall.

(Credit to lcvemoney and fangirl_of_everything_1 on Instagram for the other characters)

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