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Well as you have read.... there have been many mythological and fantasy worlds created such as Harry Potter ,  Twilight , Percy Jackson , City of Bones etc.  ALL these worlds do exist and we all live in harmony not knowing that my world exists because this world is different and a WHOLE lot more complicated and shittier as this is the world of the ONE AND ONLY Eveline Georgia Hodges.

Well, my life is completely different from all of you. I kinda live a double life..I have been working for  MOSA.I know the name is pretty gross but just deal with it. MOSA refers to Ministry Of Special Abilities. I train here and get assigned to special cases that normal humans are unable to solve because the criminals that we face are special. My species make up 0.05% of the world's population. Everyone has their own unique power that portrays their own inner personality. Most people have the power of the elements or the boring same ones like premonition , mind reading , power to manipulate the mind and all the other similar powers that most of the vampires in Twilight had.  No one was special except for me. I had the power to heal. I can heal emotional, mental and even physical pain however the more people I used my power on, the more my body gets sick.In MOSA I am an outcast. No one likes me as I am unable to use my power to strategise, plan, attack or even defend others or myself. I only have one friend and that was the Headmaster, Mr Kahn. Mr Kahn cared for me like a Father.. When I was born Mr Kahn found me and took me in. My biological parents left me near a garbage bin near a café that Mr Kahn usually went to. As soon as Mr Kahn heard me crying and saw me wrapped in that soggy pink blanket tucked under a cooking pan, he immediately knew there was something different about me. 

So... now I'm here and I have  told you briefly about the things that you should know about me.

"Agent Hodges, please report to the office for your next mission."

I smiled and walked towards the office. FINALLY, after 3 months a new mission! As I walked in Mr Kahn gave me a worried look and said" your new Mission will be in the werewolf dimension."
Oh yeah I forgot to mention 0.05% of us have special abilities, 20% are werewolves ,20% are vampires ,10% are other mythical creatures while the  rest are normal humans.

Mr Kahn continued," Your Mission in the werewolf dimension is to be disguised as a maid for the RED BLOOD pack so that you can find out if they plan to attack the vampires anytime soon."

My jaw dropped. There have been rumours that the Alpha is menacing and anything that pisses him off is considered dead. People have said that this 20 year old alpha had killed his parents once he turned 18 so that he could lead the pack. Many people fear him due to his cold and unforgiving nature. Oh god what have I gotten into.....

Thats the end for now! I will continue once my O'levels are over. I will re-edit this chapter as well. See you in DECEMBER!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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