For the Views! Part 9

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Colby and I were at Starbucks when he got a call.
"Hello?" He spoke into the phone. "What do you want now?"
Ok now I know it was one of the boys. "Are you serious? Dude she's sick!"
What the hell. "Ok I'll put her on." Colby handed me the phone.

"Hey y/n, um, we need you to come to Japan.." I heard Elton say.
"Seriously." I sighed.
"Please y/n, I mean you can't really say no.."
"And why is that?" I asked.
"Uhm, because.. we-"
"What Elton?!" I was getting frustrated now.
"WHAT?!" I yelled, people were starting to turn around and look at me at this point, and Colby looked a bit concerned.

I was about to say something when Colby took the phone off me.
"Bye Elton." He said before hanging up the phone and putting in in front of him on the table.
We both sighed and Colby ran his hands through his hair, not knowing what to do.
"So what did he say?" He asked me.
"Colby, he booked two tickets for us to fly to Japan." I sighed.
I got a text right at that moment from Elton.

Uncle Eltonnn: oh yea and if you let me continue, WITH OUT HANGING UP.. you're flying out tomorrow morning.

Y/n: are you kidding me?!

Uncle Eltonnn: no. so start packing.

I groaned really loudly and Colby looked at my phone.
"Oh my god trust Elton to do something like this." He said, getting up and throwing his empty Starbucks cup in the bin.
"Ok I guess we should start packing then." I said, getting out of my chair which made a slight scraping noise against the concrete.
Colby and I drove home and we starting packing as soon as we got into the house.

"Wait who's gonna look after the dogs?" He asked me, while he was still piling things into his suitcase.
"I'll call Kat." I said, standing at my wardrobe, looking inside, trying to figure out what to take.
"Ok." He replied, zipping up his suitcase and putting it to the side.
I was still looking into my wardrobe when
"can I help you?" I said turning around, I felt his arms grip around my waist. He just stared into my eyes. "Colbyyyyyyy" I whined "we need to pack now!"
"Ugh fine." He groaned going back to the bed where his other suitcase was waiting to be filled.

A few hours later..

We have finally finished packing and we moved the suitcases downstairs and put them near the door for tomorrow.
We just got some takeout food for dinner and laid on the lounge, relaxing for a bit.
I went upstairs and put on some pyjamas and got into bed. Only to be soon followed after by Colby. Who LITERALLY JUMPED into the bed. Causing me to wake from my light sleep.

~ A New Beginning ~ A Colby Brock X Reader  ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon