YES!! Part 5

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Colby p.o.v

"I uhh.." I stuttered, playing with my fingers.
"You go first.." I said, faster than intended.

Y/n p.o.v

I felt butterflies in my stomach.
"Ok I'm just gonna say it.. Colby I really like you, as more than a friend." I instantly regretted saying that as I plopped on the temporary mattress that sat on my floor.

There was about 3 seconds of silence before I felt a slight dip next to me. I looked to the side and instantly felt warmth on my lips. It took me a few seconds to realised that Colby was kissing me. I kissed back for a few seconds before I pulled away.

"Y/n, I think I love you.." he said, he was blushing hardcore like damn, his face was RED.
"Y/n.. will you be my girlfriend?" He said, looking down and ready to stand up and walk out of the room if I said no.

"YES!!" I almost screamed. I jumped up and tackled him in a hug before we kissed again.
"You know I was gonna tell you the same thing.." said Colby looking me in the eye.

I blushed.
"So when should we tell them?" I asked, not really knowing the answer to that question.
"Do you want to tell them today or wait a while?" He asked leaning even closer to me, which I didn't even think was possible since I was almost sitting on him (😂).

"I think we should wait a bit, just give us some time." I said.
"Yea that's what I was thinking." Colby replied. We ended up just cuddling and watching a few Disney movies before I realised I fell asleep.

Ok ok I know it's cheesy but don't judge 😂 😂

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