Chapter 11

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The morning after Harry finished up his interviews for Dunkirk, he and Jeff were ready to head to the airport when Jeff got a 'great' idea.

"Let's pick up Molly on the way there," Jeff suggested to Harry. "Save her the cab fare."

Harry's heart started beating faster and he tried to think of a way out of it. "I think her parents are going to drive her. They really miss her, I guess. She's an only child, you know."

"We've got some extra time to spare." Jeff checked his watch. They had an extra two hours to spare, conveniently the length of the trip to Molly's parents and back.

"I can ask her..." Harry pulled out his phone and frantically texted Molly. She was much better at coming up with these kinds of plans than he was.

M: Shit Harry this is not a good time

H: What do I say to him??

M: He's obviously suspicious because I haven't been around, so we'd better do it. I'll try to get rid of my mom, my dad should be easy enough to deal with.

Harry swallowed hard. He was going to have to meet his 'girlfriend's' dad, and make it look real enough for his manager to believe.

Luckily for Molly, her mother was heading out to her weekly drawing class (the kind where they draw nude models) and she wouldn't be back for a few hours. She kept going on about how nice the last model had looked, and hoped they had him again. Both Molly and her dad rolled their eyes as she left, and it was quiet for a while as the two finished breakfast.

Molly sighed. "Dad, I need to tell you something, now that mom's not here. And you have to promise to keep it a secret, I don't want her to know about this."

He put down his newspaper and looked her over. "Did you get yourself knocked up at that new job of yours in London?"

"No, what?!" She shook her head. "Why do people keep thinking that? No, it is about that job in London though. I actually have a....boyfriend."

Her father raised his eyebrows. "Oh?"

Molly knew her dad had never paid attention to her One Direction obsession, beyond dishing out hundreds of dollars on concert tickets and memorabilia, so it's very likely he doesn't even know who Harry is. Especially with his hair shorter, it's likely he wouldn't recognize him from the posters she had in her bedroom in high school. "His name is Harry, and he'll be here in 20 minutes to pick me up for the airport."

"Oh, I actually get to meet this guy?" Her dad teased.

"Yes, and be nice to him. I have to pack, please wear something other than that robe when he's around." Molly left to pack her suitcase and texted Harry the details.

20 minutes later, she tapped her foot nervously as she sat in the living room with her suitcase. Her dad returned from getting dressed and motioned to his outfit. "There, no robe. I'm fully dressed for your new boyfriend."

A car in the driveway startled Molly and she jumped out of her seat.

"I got the door." Her dad was at the front door before Molly had a chance to interject. He opened the door and smiled broadly at his guest, and his guest's manager. "I'm Stephen, please call me Steve."

Molly was instantly at his side, trying to introduce Harry, and to catch his reaction. "Dad, this is my boyfriend Harry, and his, uh, friend, Jeff."

Jeff smiled at the mention of his his name. "May I use your bathroom?" He asked, making an excuse for his presence.

"Of course, it's just down this hallway," Molly directed him, while trying to keep an eye on her dad and Harry. She was more nervous than she had ever been introducing a real boyfriend to her parents.

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