Chapter 10

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A/N: A bit of sex in this chapter...

"Harry Styles' hair style." Molly smirked. "That's a tongue twister."

"Thanks, I've never heard that one before," Harry answered sarcastically, and looked back at his reflection the mirror. "What's wrong with this?"

Molly shrugged. "Nothing, but you should still think about it. Some people liked it longer, I know I did. I always wanted to play with it, maybe braid it. It just looked so luscious, and... what?" Molly realized Harry was staring at her, slightly amused.

"Nothing, please, continue gushing about my hair," he joked, and Molly was about to give him a snarky reply when Jeff arrived. Harry slipped his arm around her waist for appearances, and she leaned into him. After spending her formative teen years of conditioning herself into loving him through fan-worship, s​he couldn't help the butterflies that flitted through her stomach each time he did that.

"You guys ready?" Jeff asked, and they both nodded. "Alright, we have to get to the airport."

Harry and Molly grabbed their bags and headed out to Jeff's car, and while Harry passed Jeff as he held the door open, Jeff leaned in and whispered, "You aren't going to carry your girl's bag for her?"

"She's an independent woman, she can carry her own bag," Harry whispered back, not hiding the acid in his tone. Jeff backed off, but this put Harry in a bad mood the rest of the night.

Molly didn't notice his mood change, and worked on the book she was ghost writing on their flight to New York. Harry was busy working on something with his publicist, so Jeff took the opportunity to talk to Molly.

"How's your book coming?" He asked conversationally as he sat himself down across from her.

"Well, it's not actually my book, they just tell me what to write. But I think it's going well," Molly answered, and got back to work.

"So, how does that work? I've never worked with a ghost writer before," Jeff asked, and he seemed genuinely interested, so Molly actually took the time to explain it nicely. After all, she had no reason to be mean to Jeff, considering she and Harry were the ones conning him.

"Basically, the writer of the book sends me their notes, outlines, etc, and I put it into novel form. Then the author goes through that and puts their touch on it." Molly concluded.

"So it just saves some time for the author," Jeff nodded. "Kind of like how Harry wrote his album, right?"

'Was he joking?!?!" Molly stared at him for a moment. "What?"

"You know, that's what they're saying. People who don't like Harry's album think he had someone write it for him, and he took the credit for it. It's not true, but whatever." Jeff shrugged, and looked like he was trying way too hard to sound casual.

"I hadn't heard that," Molly answered. She'd heard plenty of things about Harry's album, and that was not one of them. Was Jeff trying to start something? Was he trying to plant an idea in her head, hoping this theory would show up on one of those 'former Harrie' blogs?

"So, that article you wrote about Harry a few weeks ago," Jeff started.

"Actually, it was about 'Dunkirk', I interviewed several members of the cast, including Harry," Molly corrected.

"So, how does that work? Can you write whatever you want? If you wrote, say, another piece on Harry, would they publish it?"

"Umm, no, that's not how it works. Are you trying to get me to write something about Harry? Are you that desperate to get his name out there that you want his own girlfriend to risk her job just to get some propaganda on the small website she occasionally freelances for?"

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