The last scene was one I was quite familiar with. I stood on a cliff in the night, a battle raging below me. Wolves of all colors battled, drawing blood, dying with earth-shaking yelps and growls. In the center of all the chaos, a huge black wolf, battle-scarred and bleeding, shook off white Whitney, and batted Quincey to the side.

I looked to the left, at two blotches of darkness moving towards the black wolf. Suddenly, Ben and Emma leaped out of the darkness, landing on the bleeding wolf's shoulders. Jon attacked the large Alpha's hind legs, slashing and biting, but was dealt with a fierce kick to the eye.

Anger surged through me. The false Alpha had no right to hurt my pack. With a howl towards the new moon that lit up the black sky, I leapt from the rock spire, straight into battle.

Wolves parted before me, the only pure white wolf ever born. Battles stopped, every eye on me. I growled, "Off. Now," to my packmates, and they scrambled off the battle-scarred wolf. Except for one. "Ben!" I commanded in my Alpha voice. Ben ears laid back, but his wolf was compelled to obey my order. He leapt off his father, but stayed close to him, in case he tried to hurt me.

The bigger male shook his fur, and glared at everyone around him; he didn't seem to notice me. His amber eyes full of bloodlust and anger, he growled,"Fight, cowards! This is the only way we can rule!" I growled back,"Alpha voices don't work if you speak from lies." The Black Alpha finally noticed me, stalking towards him with my head held high.

"The White Alpha, I presume? Precious Alexis, the one who bewitched my son into not killing her. I will enjoy your death." But the Black Alpha paused, apparently realizing that I wasn't shaken by his words.

I held my head higher, and looked around at everyone in the clearing. My voice carried across the silence like water. "I am Alexis, daughter of Whitney the White, and John the Red." At that, many wolves winced, at looked at black-footed Whitney. My mother's green eyes shone with hope and courage, though, as she looked at me. I carried on.

"I am the White Alpha of Oak Pack. I am the Emerald. I am the daughter of Fire and Fox." Ripples of shock and surprise surged through the wolves, and they all backed another step away from me. A young wolf, no older than three, starting singing the song. The Song of the New Moon. I felt the song seep into my bones, giving me courage and strength. The Black Alpha, on the other hand, seemed to be withering.

With a howl, I finished the words. "To defeat the alpha that rules the land. Daughter of Fire and Fox. Shall rule under the Moon of Knox. All under the fire of the song." With joyous howls and yips, wolves danced around me, suddenly filled with joy. The battle was forgotten by most, but not all. Amber eyes glared at me from a black face.

The Black Alpha's growl shook the world. "You will not rule! I am king! I am Alpha!" THe huge wolf leapt at me, then my dream faded.

"Alexis! Alexis! Wake up, you idiot!"

The voice jolted me back into reality. I sat up so fast my forehead smacked Ben's nose. He scrambled back with a yell, grabbing at his nose. "God, Lex! The hell!" Without thinking, I snapped,"You called me an idiot, you stalker! I think you deserve more than a fucking hurt nose for that!"

Ben blinked, stunned. Jon and Quincey blinked too, but they were trying not to laugh. I look to my right, and see Emma standing there in human form, Whitney beside her. I stare at the two, my brain noting similarities while my mouth was trying to work out what to say to my mother.

Whitney looked at Emma, then at me. She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything I asked,¨She's like you, isn't she? Hereditary, I suppose?" Whitney closed her mouth, and nodded. Emma looked from Whitney to me, confusion on her face. "What?" Emma's voice was raspy, dry like she had washed it with sand.

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