Chapter 7

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7:06. Father had not yet returned from work so I decided I would do a last minute touch up of the house before I served dinner. "Hyo, remember not to say anything at all about where we went. Do you understand?" Hyo was sucking on his bottle filled with caprison juice and stared at me blankly. I crossed my fingers hoping nothing will sneak out of the monsters mouth and before I knew it, there was a crackle of a key in the door nob and in came father.

"Something smells good," said father grabbing Hyo in his arms and tickling under his chin like a puppy bulldog. He was right though, it did smell good. It smelt really good. I served our dinner and we began to eat through our silent dinner. Suddenly Hyo began to moan, reaching for his limp leg and crouching over like a 95 year old hunched back woman. "My leg hurting!" screamed Hyo beginning to cry

"Why? What's happened?" said father reaching over to Hyo to roll his trouser up. Hyo was holding onto his shin hardly so father had to pull his hand away from it revealing a giant bruise dotted with scratches. It was all swollen up and looked like a giant red tomato hanging off the edge of his bone. "Oooshh! Hyo? How did this happen?" That was the question that was going to get me in the biggest trouble ever!

"Hyo what happened?" asked father again, concern growling in his voice

"I slip. On grass." For a moment everyone was silent. I'm in for it now. "What do you mean grass?" said father, fury mixed in with concern now.

"Some grass must have flown in before you shut the door this morning, he might have slipped on that." I quickly explain

"I see." Father said "But did you not notice what happened to his leg?" screamed father dropping his cuttlery to get the first aid box. "I would think you to be more responsible Eun! Where is your mind at?" I didn't respond but in my head I was thinnking: lost in the northern lights and surrounded by thousands of people with of course Jae by my side.

I watched father clean Hyo's wound as he screamed and yelled in pain. Then he applied ointment onto it before wrapping a bandage around it tightly. Father told me to carry Hyo to bed as his leg was hurting and after I too fell asleep after hearing the silent insults and swears of the north side from father. Why does he hate it so much?

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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