Chapter 4

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I'd got home with just an hour to spare, luckily, it gave me time to get changed and get dinner ready, we were having pot stew with warm rice, delicious! Not my favourite but still delicious! I just finished cooking and before i could take a seat, the door latch opened and in came my father and Hyo. Hyo was giggling and looking up at father but father was too busy looking at the door lock. He kneeled down and checked it, just then i realised i'd forgotten to lock the door from the inside! "Father, what's the matter?" i asked even though i knew, i thought if i acted as if nothing happened he would forget about it. "Eun, how comes the door isn't locked?" asked my father

"" i bit my lip, i could feel the palms of my hands sweating, my legs felt like jelly and for some reason my head was throbbing. I couldn't lie to him, i didn't want to but i knew i had to "Urrmm..well-"

"-Aaahh... i see," cried my dad, my head was throbbing even more now, how did he know? "The nail fell off, probably from the rust." I blew a quick sigh of relief, i didn't have to lie, niether did have to tell him the truth. "I'll change it after dinner."

We all sat down at the table and i began feeding Hyo when suddenly the house phone rang; father went to pick it up. "Hello...Yes...Yes, i see....Yeah of course...No, no problem at all...Ok, well i'll see you tomorrow then..bye." Father put down the phone

"What's wrong father?" i asked innocently

"Dear, i'm afraid i can't take the leave tomorrow, one of the major machines at work has broken down and it's urgent. I have to be there tomorrow. I'm sorry Eun." Out loud i said "Father, it's fine, i know how much your work means to you," but in my head i was thinking 'Yay! Now i get to see Jae again!' I was so excited!

Before, i got too overly excited about meeting Jae, i remembered Hyo, father wasn't going to take him to work again and i couldn't leave him at home alone. What was i supposed to do? Unfortunately, Hyo was the least of my worries because i knew i could just take him along, he could barely talk so i could trust him to keep it a secret. The main problem was the fact that i told Jae not to wait for me so she might not be there tomorrow but i didn't care, it was better then not going at all and i would take my chances.

That night, i brushed my teeth, got in to bed, watched the city lights and eventually fell asleep early as i wanted to wake up exceedingly early tomorrow so i could get the work done and still have time to see Jae.

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